Tier 4 financial accounts submissions EPM – NEW app Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Navigation 3 Mapping local TB codes to UCOA 9 Submitting Tier 4 TB 15 Support 29 contents Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Navigation Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Begin by selecting the ‘NEW’ app. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
And then ‘Launch New BEIS EPM’. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
For Tier 4 submissions, select ‘Financial Accounts’. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Then select ‘TB’. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions At this stage, click the blue ‘Open’ hyperlink, next to ‘Local Code and Map FA’. The ‘Reset Workflow Menu’ button here can be used later in your submission – this will load a menu that will allow you to ‘unlock’ the ‘Local code and Map FA’ stage and also move the ‘Local Tier 4 Actual’ stage back to ‘Contribute’ if you need to make changes at any point after having submitted any stage, particularly after having reviewed your validations. See the instructions for this towards the end of the presentation. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Mapping local TB codes to Ucoa Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions At the mapping stage you’ll either need to map: Your local account to both a UCoA Account code and a UCoA Programme code, or; Your local account code to a UCoA Account code, and separately map a local programme/project code to a UCoA Programme code. If following option 1, then you can leave the Select Segment set to ‘Local Account’ (circled above). Depending on how many lines you need to map, you can change the number of lines below this option. Once done, select ‘Open’ to load the mapping sheet. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions On this screen you can paste in: Your local codes, Local code descriptions, The UCOA Account codes you wish to map to, and UCOA Programme codes. Once pasted in – they will appear green (see following slide 9) Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions This screenshot shows codes pasted in, but not loaded in. You can only paste in 100 lines at a time. To load in the next 100 lines, you’ll need to select the page down button (circled in the second screenshot). To store the mappings, you’ll need to select the Refresh button, circled in orange above (first screenshot). Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Mappings should then appear in black, with no mapping errors on the right hand side. Once there are no errors, go back to the ‘N_Local Code and Map Menu’ screen. If you are also going to map local project/programme codes to UCOA programme codes, go back to slide 7, and select ‘Local Project’ in the first option within the orange circle. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Once the mapping is complete, scroll to the bottom of the sheet show on slide 7, and select ‘Submit all Local Codes and Mappings’. You should get the ‘Process completed successfully’ message above. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Submitting tier 4 tb Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions On the N_Financial Accounts TB tab, once the mapping is completed, select ‘Refresh’ to update the status in the ‘Current Stage’ column. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Select the blue ‘Open’ hyperlink next to ‘Local Tier 4 Actual’ activity. Note: You do not need to use the ‘Local Financial Actual’ link, as this is used for statutory accounts preparation instead of Tier 4. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Copy and paste in your Local TB codes and balances into the relevant columns above. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions You may receive an error such as the above. If you do, ensure the numbers you are pasting in are formatted as ‘Number’ in your Excel spreadsheet. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Once they are pasted in, click the ‘Refresh’ button, and as long as the TB balances, and there are no mapping errors (where local codes have been pasted in which are not mapped to UCOA codes, then you can click ‘Submit’. Note: anything you enter into the system will first appear as green text / numbers. This means it has not yet been saved into the database. After clicking ‘Refresh’, it will turn black, indicating it has been saved. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Return to the ‘N_Financial Accounts TB’ section, and ‘Refresh’. This should move the stage for Local Tier 4 Actual on to ‘UCoA Adjustment’. Select ‘Open’ to launch the ‘UCoA Adjustment’ sheet. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions This sheet allows POs to adjust balances, if they want to split a submitted balance onto different UCOA account and programme codes (for example where one Local TB code needs to be mapped to many UCOA account and programme codes). To create a new line, select the UCOA account and programme code combination (circled above), and click the ‘Add New Line’ button once selected. This will create the new line underneath the previous UCOA account code (in numerical order). The adjustment can then be made in the ‘Adjustment’ column. Adjustments always need to balance overall. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Once all adjustments have been made, scroll to the bottom of the sheet, and select ‘Approve’ to move the TB into the Validation stage. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Return to the ‘N_Financial Accounts TB’ section, and ‘Refresh’. This should move the stage for Local Tier 4 Actual on to ‘Financial Validation’. Select ‘Open’ to launch the ‘Financial Validation’ sheet. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions The Summary warnings should look the same as they did in PO:P!. At the bottom of the Summary warnings there are tabs for Opening balance validations (‘OpeningBal’ tab), and Cashflow (‘CashFlow’ tab) – circled in orange. Critical warnings have to be cleared before the submission can be approved. Explanations for non-critical warnings have to be provided before the submission can be approved. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Opening balance validation: Explanations should be provided for opening balance validation issues. Once explanations are included, the ‘Refresh’ button should be selected to store the explanations. This should mean that the ‘Unexplained mismatches’ count goes to 0. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Cashflow: Explanations should be provided for any green box adjustments required. Once they are provided (as in the example above), the cashflow should balance to 0 and display an ‘OK’ message above. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Reset workflow menu: At any point during your upload, you may want to make changes to the mapping or any stage of the TB upload. As you submit each stage it will be locked for editing, so you will need reset the workflow in order to make the stages editable again. The ‘Reset Workflow’ menu can be accessed from the Financial Accounts Trial Balance menu as noted above. Click the button to launch the menu. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Three workflows can be reset to ‘contribute’ for a TB upload: ‘Local Code and Map FA’ – the mapping workflow for normal uploads and T4 uploads ‘Local Financial Actual’ – the TB upload workflow for normal uploads (e.g. P09, P12) ‘Local Tier 4 Actual’ – the TB upload workflow for T4 uploads Select the one you want to reset so it’s highlighted, and then click okay In this example we’ve selected ‘Local T4 actual’ Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions To reset the selected workflow, click the ‘Reset to Contribute’ button. This should produce the ‘Process completed successfully’ message assuming the workflow hasn’t been finalised. In the Financial Accounts Trial Balance menu you should now see the workflow says ’Contribute’ in the Current Stage and the workflow progress should reflect that in the Workflow progress table. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Final submission Once you are happy with the submission, select ‘Approve’ to send it for BEIS financial reporting approval. This constitutes FD approval. Tier 4 financial accounts submissions
Tier 4 financial accounts submissions Support Any questions, please get in touch with your FR&C account manager, or apac@beis.gov.uk For BICC support queries or system performance questions, please raise these via a LANDesk ticket: https://uksbs.landesk.com/UKSBS.WebAccessExp/wd/Logon/Logon.rails Tier 4 financial accounts submissions