Punctuation Rules English 7th Grade Ms. Kempner Click the pencil to move forward and view the topics we will learn about!
Click the topic you would like to learn more about! Colons: Commas, Italicizing and Underlining Dash or Hyphen- Periods. Question Marks? Exclamation Points! “Quotation Marks” Click the desk to go the multiple choice question.
Periods. Use a period at the end of a complete sentence that is a statement Use the period after an indirect question Use a period at the end of a command Use a period with abbreviations Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: My favorite sport is Soccer.
Question Marks? Use a question mark at the end of a question Use a question mark at the end of a declarative statement that you want to emphasize as not believing the statement Use the question mark to turn a statement into a question Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: When is your birthday?
Exclamation Points! Use an exclamation point at the end of sentence, phrase, or word to indicate strong emotion You can also place an exclamation point at the end of a forceful command An exclamation mark is also usual after an exclamation beginning with what or how Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: Wow! I never thought Mom would let us go to the concert!
“Quotation Marks” Use quotation marks before and after a direct quote. Put quotation marks around the titles of short works, such as articles, songs, short stories, or poems Place quotation marks around words, letters, or symbols that are slang Quotation marks are used to set off dialog Click the desk to return back to the multiple choice question. Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: “I want to go to Florida,” Jackie said.
Colons: Use a colon between numerals indicating hours and minutes Use a colon to introduce a list that appears after an independent clause The information before the colon must be a complete sentence Use a colon after the salutation when writing a formal letter Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: You need the following items for class: pencil, pens, paper, ruler, and glue.
Commas, Use a comma after each item in a series of at least three items Use commas after the street address and city in an address Use a comma to clarify large numbers Use a comma to set off an interruption in the main thought of a sentence Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: I still need to take a test, write an essay, and check out a book.
Italicizing and Underlining Underline titles of long works such as books, magazines, albums, movies, etc Underline foreign words which are not commonly used in everyday English Underline a word, number, or letter which is being discussed or used in a special way Titles of longer written works are underlined or italicized Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: We use The Language Handbook to study grammar.
Dash or Hyphen- Use a pair of dashes to indicate a sudden interruption in a sentence Use a dash to show a sudden change of thought The hyphen is used to show a break in words Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu Ex: Molly bought a new pet yesterday- a Potbelly pig.
Quiz time! Which sentence needs quotation marks? Click on the sentence that you think is the correct answer. 1) I took my first test in school today. 2) She was tired after soccer practice. 3) It’s time for bed, my mom said. Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu
Try Again! I took my first test in school today. This sentence is not quoting anyone so it would not need quotation marks. It is just stating what someone did. You can do it! Stay positive! Click the books to return to the slide to review Quotation Marks.
Try Again! She was tired after soccer practice. This sentence is describing how a girl felt after soccer practice but is not quoting her. If it were to say she told me she was tired after soccer practice, then it would need quotation marks. You can do it! Stay positive! Click the books to return to the slide to review Quotation Marks.
Correct! It’s time for bed, my mom said needs quotation marks. It should read “It’s time for bed,” my mom said. This is because you are quoting what your mother said. Great Job! Click the A+ to continue on to the last slide! Click here!
Congratulations! You have done an excellent job on this lesson! I hope you gained new knowledge about the rules and ways of punctuation from this PowerPoint. You are all finished and may return to the main menu so the next student can begin! Great job once again! Be sure to click on the Bus to Return to the Title Slide! Click this school Bus to go back to the Main Menu