The Great Wall By Elizabeth Mann The Great Wall By Elizabeth Mann
CRAFTSMEN Skilled workers Skilled craftsmen were needed to build the Great Wall of China.
DOMAIN The territory ruled by a government The goal of the Chinese emperors was to protect China’s domain.
DURABLE Sturdy and long-lasting Some trash bags are more durable than others.
DYNASTY A line of rulers from one family. Most of the wall we see today was built by the Ming Dynasty.
EXCLUDING Keeping someone or something out. Don’t you hate when you see your friends excluding others?
EXTRAVAGANCE Wasteful spending on luxuries. The hard, simple life of the workers and soldiers was far different from the extravagance in the Ming dynasty’s royal court.
LABORERS Workers who do tasks that do not require special skills. The laborers worked hard to build the house.
MASSIVE Large and solid. The new building was massive.
NOMADIC Moving from place to place. The early settlers were nomadic people.
STEPPE A vast, dry, grassy plain. There was a flat grassland called the steppe where the Great Wall was built.
TERRAIN The physical features of an area of land. The great wall is built on many different terrains.