10X dilution x ~10nM full – length competitor


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Presentation transcript:

10X dilution x ~10nM full – length competitor Cell extracts DGal4 WT Myc-Gal4-ER-VP16 Myc-Gal4-ER [GST-Gal4-VP16] nM 100 20 2 0.2 0.02 anti – Gal4 N-term 10X dilution x ~10nM full – length competitor ~100 nM [Competitor] Nalley, et al. Figure S1.

a. b. anti-Gal4 anti-Myc Gly/Lac Galactose PUT2 promoter PUT2 promoter -1 1 5 15 30 60 Time after E2: b. -1 1 5 15 30 60 Time after E2: PUT2 promoter Nalley, et al. Figure S2

a. b. Nalley, et al. Figure S3

a. b. anti-Rb anti-Gal4 Total Min. after E2 Nalley, et al. Figure S4 30 60 120 180 240 anti-Rb anti-Gal4 Total b. Nalley, et al. Figure S4

a. b. c. IP Total anti-Gal4 anti-Myc Time after E2 -60 -1 Dgal4 -60 -1 5 15 30 IP Total gly/lac gly/lac gly/lac galactose galactose b. c. Nalley, et al. Figure S5

A. DMSO MG132 ise1 Dpdr5 B. Min. after Gal Addition -30 30 60 90 120 180 -30 30 60 90 120 180 ise1 -30 30 60 90 120 180 -30 30 60 90 120 180 Dpdr5 B. Nalley, et al. Figure S6