Introducing Canto XXI BY: Darnette Glasper November 16, 2007
The Sinners In this circle, the sinners are barterers or public peculators, defalcators, embezzler, political officials and employees. They violate a trust by taking money for their own use; they are guilty of the crime of one whose judgment is influenced by bribery.
On the morning of Holy Saturday at 7 o’clock on April 9, 1300, Dante is in the 8th circle and 5th pouch named the Malebolge The surroundings were dark; it was like the Arsenal of Venetians in the winter with sticky pitch boiling to patch their tattered ships that won’t sail The thick and tarry mass was boiling and covering all the banks and clamminess. It can be seen but no one can see in it, nothing but the boiling bubbles were visible. Virgil tells Dante to hide and Dante is scared and looks behind him. He sees a black demon looking barbarous and acting relentless. The Demon’s wings were spread across hi shoulders, sharp and high, and his feet were lithe. The Demon slung a sinner, from his ankles, and the sinner plunged in the pitch and resurfaced. The Malebranches (Demons) are pricking the sinners with their hooks every time they lift their heads for air. “The demons did the same as any cook who has his urchins force the meat with hooks deep down into the pot, that it did not float.” Scenery
Summary In this canto the Malebranches are pricking the sinners with their hooks every time they lift their heads out of the tar. In order to move forward, Virgil gives such a wonderful speech that Malacoda’s pride falls and decides to protect him. As Malacoda leads Dante and Virgil, he tells the 6th bridge collapsed when Jesus was crucified and gives them false directions. For their safety, Malacoda sends 10 of his men to aid Dante and Virgil. The leader of the 10 men, Barbariccia, farts to signal to march forward.
New Characters Malacoda aka evil-tail is the leader of the Demons(Malebranche) He also gives Virgil the permission to pass thru and he also gives bad directions The Malebranches (Evil-Claws) are the demons who stand guard over the sinners with their prongs; they are agile, smart and fierce. Cagnazzo aka big dog Barbariccia aka curly beard and the one who farts as a signal to march Graffiacane aka dog-snatcher
Pictures of the Malebranches