Agenda Welcome New Member Introductions Special Recognitions SMDWG Charter Introductions of “Open Mike December” News and Trumors
Agenda Welcome and Introductions SMDWG Charter Host Welcome - Quantum New Members / First Time Attendees SMDWG Charter Why the SMDWG exists
Space and Missile Defense Working Group (SMDWG) Charter Background The SMDWG is formed to respond to our civic responsibility to assist in the decision making process on issues pertaining to space and ballistic missile defense. Scope The Scope of the SMDWG is to Educate the general population and elected representation on space and ballistic missile defense. Membership Membership is open to all individuals in government, industry, and the community. SMDWG members must belong to the NDIA or an affiliate.
Guest Introduction The Army Messages for 2015 Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army Alabama (North) “Open Microphone December” WID STEM Status Update – Debbie Fraley ReliaONE – Rich McAdams APMP Mid-South Chapter - Ken Merwin Others
Trumors Programs and Timelines Organization Changes Personnel/Leadership Changes Industry and Industry Leadership Changes Significant Events or Prognostications in Space and Missile Defense 6
SMDWG Schedule Next Meeting- 28 January 2016 Special Guest – Ms. Katherine Coviello (SES), Special Advisor on Intelligence and Security to AMC DCG Location - TBD 7
HAPPY HOLIDAYS MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY HANUKKAH Wishing you and yours a very safe, healthy and happy holiday season.
SMDWG Leadership Officers: Treasurer: Bob Darnall Secretary: Mike Roddy Deputy Chair: Ray Baker Chair: Joe Fitzgerald