Tiffany Phillips CIS
What is a Social Networking Website? Social networking websites function like an online community of internet users. Depending on the website in question, many of these online community members share common interests in hobbies, religion, or politics. Once you are granted access to a social networking website you can begin to socialize. This socialization may include reading the profile pages of other members and possibly even contacting them.
Examples of Social Networking Webites Facebook Myspace Twitter LinkedIn
The Dark Side of Social Networking Privacy Issues Addiction Cyber Bullying Security Social Networking appears to be an exciting way to link with old friends and family members, as well as a place to meet new people. But believe there is a dark side!!!!
Privacy Issues/ Security Issues Security issue occurs when a hacker gains unauthorized access to a sites protected coding or written language. Privacy Issue- unwarranted access of private info. Combine the two issues 1. Stolen Identity 2. Personal info exposed to complete strangers 3. Can lead to stalkers and predators from people youve never seen or known in life
Cyber Bullying Epidemic "Cyberbullying" is when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. It has to have a minor on both sides, or at least have been instigated by a minor against another minor. Once adults become involved, it is plain and simple cyber-harassment or cyberstalking. the rise of the Internet as a mean of regular communication between our children has opened up new doors for those who wish to bully other children. Chat rooms, MySpace, , instant messaging and other online tools have all helped create the cyber bullying epidemic.
Security Third Party Threats Did you know that the more features you add to your social networking page, the more you open your info to be exploited by third parties. The more function an application has the less secure it is. Surprise you have spyware- such software ask you to download spyware so that your info is secured but guess what youve been hit with a virus! Multiple viruses as soon as you click on the link.
Addictions to Social Networking Students are constantly on the internet chatting with friends, when they should be doing their school work! Addictions to social Networking cause people to have short attention spans. Cuts time from actual productivity A sense of feeling like they have to just log in real quick As a result work is put off, people are sidetracked and half as efficient!
How about that Interview? As of last year 44% of employers were using Facebook to screen prospective employees. As of last year 39% of employers have used Facebook to screen current employees. Facebook can be the reason you dont get the job before your even given a chance, it allows for discrimination. No such thing as deleted photos, privacy settings, security unlocks can be purchased to break into your account. And then your fun college days become your worse nightmare because people tagged you during a night of fun.
Social Networking is great! Think again! Do you enjoy being stalked ? Do you care of the Identity Theft risk Do you have hw to do but find yourself wasting your time away on websites like FB. How about those honesty boxes and cyber bullying, can you handle it Do you care to have a career or would you like to believe your dirty laundry is as secret as the unsafe security button?
Leave the cyber world now, or forever hold your piece Check out the growing trend in the use of Social Networking. Dont follow the trend, its exciting at first and damaging in the end!
Social Networking is Dangerous!
"10 Social Networking Security trends to Watch". Channel Web.. "A collection of Social Networking Stats for 2009". Web Strategy.. "Privacy and Security Issues In Social Networking". Fast Company.. "Social Networking, An internet addiction". CBS.. "Strategy Labs"..