Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Each plant has an integrated group of organ systems. Every plant has: a root system; comprises the whole of the root of a plant and a shoot system; made up of two main organs:- - the stem - the leaves - (the flowers) Plant body of an Angiosperm Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Seed Structure The dicot embryo: Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Seed Structure contd. The monocot embryo: Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Seed Structure – Types of Seed Germination There are two types of seed germination – Hypogeal germination Epigeal germination Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Seed Germination – The Root System Tap root system Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d The Root System contd. Branch roots, whether arising from root or stem, are endogenous in origin – arise from within the tissues. Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d The Root System contd. Fibrous root system Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d The Shoot System - Structure The Leaf - Structure Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Leaf types - Simple leaves Bilobed Pinnately lobed Simple Leaf: Entire margin Palmately lobed Digitately lobed Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Leaf types - Compound Leaves Trifoliolate Bipinnate Imparipinnate Digitate Paripinnate Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Leaf position or arrangement Phyllotaxy is the arrangement of leaves on the stem or branch. Leaves are said to be alternate when there is one leaf at each node arranged singly and at different levels on either side of the stem of a plant or more commonly arranged in a spiral around the stem, e.g. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Helianthus annuus. Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB
Functional Morphology of Angiosperms cont’d Leaf position or arrangement cont,d Leaves are said to be whorled when three or more are attached at each node, e.g. Nerium oleander, Alstonia boonei, Allamanda cathartica. Leaves are said to be rosette when they appear as a cluster at the same node at the base of the stem, e.g. Acalypha, Begonia, Dandelion, Agave, lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Monday, 19 November 2018 EJDB