© 2017 Good Works Health, US Patents: 7,668,735; 7,945,459; 7,945,460.
mission statement Good Works Health is a proven, cause-marketing platform that offers health care professionals a unique opportunity to donate their time to a charity of their choice.
Precise NP Promotion & Education Unparalleled engagement platform that captures HCP insights and closes the analytics / marketing loop with the Field 80% of HCP participants will change the way they will practice based on what they learned in GWH programs Maximize ROI through precise targeting and scalability Pay for only completed engagements 97% HCP completion rate of a started GWH segment Independently measured ROI of 415% HCPs are eager to participate to support public charities of their choice 95% of HCPs rank their experience with a GWH program as good to excellent with over 55% ranking it excellent
Advantages of Good Works Health vs. Non-Personal Platforms Precise targeting authenticated against client target list Incentivized through regulatory-admissible charitable donations Leverages medical associations and non-profit relationships to expand marketing reach Industry leading engagement and satisfaction level with customers Program is pay for performance, limiting risk Variable accuracy in targeting Content restrictions and some forfeit of control Substantial media buy required Inherent challenges to “Fight through the clutter”
How It Works HCPs recruited via Rep, Email, or 501(c)3 invitation based on target list HCP responds to queries / provides feedback HCP selects 501(c)3 for donation Survey and Engagement Data linked to CRM HCP reviews content (Static, Video, Mobile, Live Event participation) HCP is notified when new content is available Upon program completion, company rep is notified and provided engagement and survey data from specific HCP, to drive closed-loop follow up communications
Recruitment & Content Match to Target List, or against GWH HCP lists Recruit via medical society / 501(c)3 invitation, company email invitation, rep visit, GWH email invitation or at live events such as a congress or expo 100% accuracy in target reach – invite only participation Platform is 100% flexible for any content medium Static content, Video, Games, Interactive Detail, Patient Case Review, Live Event (with chat and video capabilities) Most content mediums are available through mobile or desktop Repurpose existing content or generate new content
Surveys & Donations Aggregate and participant-level response data is available in real-time Integration into client’s CRM software; or viewed through a customized app for sales force’s smart phones and tablets. Provides Closed-Loop Marketing insights to assess current clinical practices and drive relevant communications to that individual following program completion Participants have the option to select any IRS approved public 501(c)3 or choose a featured charity to direct the program sponsor’s charitable donation. Advocacy organizations are fervent supporters, as program supports fund raising efforts All donations are captured and reported in real-time Clients generate Good Will among HCPs, sales reps and the community.