How to find and apply for a job! Job Applications How to find and apply for a job!
Job Applications: The Basics A job application is an online or paper form that you have to fill out if you want to be considered for a job You should use your best handwriting (for paper) and grammar on an application! Always be honest but tactful! The job application includes many sections: Personal information Position Education Work Experience References Other information Certification Personal information- includes name and contact information Position- What job do you want at this company? Be specific! Be prepared to share what hours you could work, when you want to/an begin work, and desired pay (be realistic…we all want a million dollars an hour, but what would you accept/expect as pay?) Education- list schools attended (and years) and any honors/accomplishments from school. Be prepared to share GPA. Work Experience- What previous jobs/volunteer work have you completed? Be ready to share dates (month/year or just year) of these as well. Other Information- Next, the application might ask if are a veteran, are eligible to work in the US, have had a criminal record, etc. This section might have weird questions/a quiz about your personality or how you would respond to certain situations Certification- This is where you promise you are telling the truth on your application
Personal Information The same information is required on your resume. Bring it and be prepared to share: Your full, legal name Your address Your phone number Your email address (make sure it is professional!)
Position Show that you know about this company by applying for a specific position- cashier, host, server, stocker, etc. Do your research! When can you start work? If you can start right away, put tomorrow’s date. If you can start after school gets out, or another time, put that date. Desired pay: Put a number between $7.25 and $11.00/hour for your first job. Kind of employment/Hours you can work: Know how many hours you want to work every week.
Education Know the name and city/start of your schools Under “subjects studied” you can put any special classes you’ve taken, if you are taking honors course, or if you are on a traditional vs. occupational track
Work Experience Transfer work/volunteer experience from your resume Know the addresses (or at least city/state) Salary can be “Volunteer” or $0 for volunteer work Write your job title or main work for “position” Reason for Leaving: Stay positive in this box! Think about how your answer will reflect on you as an employee
References Transfer your references from your resume here Do not include family members, but do include teachers, previous employers/supervisors, family friends, community contact, etc.
Certification Always tell the truth on your job application!
Other Information/Questions Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? Have you ever been convicted of any criminal charges? Are you willing to travel? Can you perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodations? If you don’t know how to answer a question, it’s ok to ask for help! Go over these questions with students (and expected answers). Then, explain that sometimes there are personality/job-based quizzes that must be completed. They should balance their true answers with what a good employee would say. For example, if you think you would truly deal with an angry customer by yelling at him/her, then you should think of what would be the BEST response to an angry customer and working on making that your true way to deal with them, too.
How to Find a Job Application Directly from a company’s website Look for an “employment” tab (often on the very bottom of the website) Job-finding websites
Finding More Information on Jobs Detailed information about job expectations Job positions at this company Average salary Often can apply right from this website Tell students about and how it is a resource for finding out more about a specific job before you apply. Go to the site and show some examples.
Petco Practice Learn more about the job Find an application Fill it out! Model using the resources by going to Glassdoor and learning about Petco jobs. Then, show the process of finding the job application information on the Petco website. Finally, fill out the application (PDF saved on our Spectrum site) on the board (skim some sections as needed).
Practice! We will practice filling out a job application! Google ‘Water Gardens Movie Spanish Fork” to find the Spanish Fork Movie Theatre website. Find the “employment” link and click on it! Read the requirements to work there. Fill out an application and show it to your teacher. DO NOT SUBMIT THE APPLICATION! There is some great information for job-seekers (in general) on the employment page. Give students at least a half hour to fill out the job application. Check it for points but be sure they do not submit it! Even if they would like to work there, that is something parents should approve first.