Excel Level Two
Quick Review, continued The formula in Cell B4 calculated the number of days between 3/13/2013 (Cell C1) and the hire date (B4) Can this formula be copied down the page as is? Why or why not? How would we do this?
Ab$olute References The dollar signs around the cell creates an “Absolute Reference” preventing the change of the cells when the formula is copied. The F4 function key will cycle through the absolute options – position cursor in the formula bar on the cell reference to be changed and then press F4
Tip – Closing Multiple Files Beginning with Version 2007, Microsoft changed the way the document/application close buttons work! Version 2003 and older: Top X closed all files and application. Bottom X closed current (active window) file only. Version 2007 on up: Top X AND Bottom X close current (active window) file only. To close ALL files hold down the Shift key as you click the Top X. The application will also close.
e e cummings coworker This famous poet went to Harvard. Many of his poems ignored common punctuation rules – especially capitalization. Your coworker is an e e cummings wannabe. It drives you crazy. How do you change this spreadsheet so the first letter of the city is capitalized and the state is all capitals?
Pasting Woes You pulled together numbers for a 3 o’clock meeting, and at 2:30 realized that you forgot to add a column that displayed regional averages Fortunately those averages are on another spreadsheet: they are the result of a formula, but the regions are in the same order so you plan on just copying and pasting cells F2 through F5 in your spreadsheet.
Pasting Woes, continued Unfortunately, this is what happened when you copied and pasted. Short of re-typing the values, how can you copy the data from the other sheet and NOT get these #REF errors?
Created by someone else… You consider yourself pretty good at Excel. You expected to see the number $6,000 (or maybe a formula) in the formula bar. Instead, there is a word: “Regional_Goal” What is this?
Given this data, how would you … Quickly count up how many counties had a .015 percent change in tax rates? Quickly present a count of how many counties had the same changes in tax rates? For the first question, either a filter with a subtotal count OR sort and subtotal all, which provides answer to the second question
Protection You have protected a spreadsheet so that formulas cannot be changed. You DO want the department managers, however, to be able to change a formula related to sales commissions. You do not want them to be able to change other formulas. How? Check out the Review tab Protection options!
What will you meet in a cell? Raw values Formulas Math with numbers Math with cell references Logical comparisons Function formulas Data Table formulas
Excel Tutorials www.office.microsoft.com is FILLED with fantastic Excel tutorials! Click on Support – select the Excel icon From there you are given options for a myriad of subjects: Creating simple spreadsheets Advanced formulas such as vlookup/if Charts and pivot tables Conditional formatting
Web searching tips Don’t forget to include the word Excel and the version number when searching for how-to’s Include the words “how do I” or “how to” when asking. It may seem silly, but you are more apt to get a “tutorial style” answer with step by step solutions. Keep an eye out for articles posted on e- how.com. Pay attention to keywords that appear in the search results, and if necessary, repeat the search using those keywords! The more keywords you learn, the easier future searches become.