Iowa Reading Association Conference June 28-29, 2016 “The Power of Reading”
Regie Routman w2020 2015-2016 Iowa Reading Association Book Study
Tanny McGregor 2015-2016 Iowa Reading Association Book Study
Dr. Susan L. Hall Sponsored by: J 95 Percent Group Inc. was founded by Susan L. Hall, Ed.D. a nationally recognized leader in RTI, data analysis, and 95 Percent reading instruction. Dr. Hall has more than 15 years of experience as a consultant to districts and schools in the field of reading intervention. She is a sought-after speaker at reading conferences nationwide and has authored seven books, including the bestselling I’ve DIBEL’ed, Now What? and Implementing Response to Intervention. Dr. Hall was named by the US Department of Education as a member of the Reading First Review Panel. She is a leading expert on the use of DIBELS® and LETRS® and has developed proprietary tools that teachers use to help interpret student data. Dr. Hall is a member of the Dean’s Leadership Council at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the advisory board of the Neuhaus Education Center in Houston, and is a former national board member of the International Dyslexia Association. Susan graduated cum laude from Lawrence University in Wisconsin, earned a Master’s in Business Administration at Harvard University, and a doctorate in education from National Louis University. June 28, 2016
Steve Layne
Kenn Nesbitt Children’s Poet Laureate
Nancy Carlson Writer and Illustrator of over 80 picture books for our very youngest readers
Debbie Dadey Writer of over 160 chapter books for young or reluctant readers
Trent Reedy
Shannon McClintock Miller T Shannon Miller, nationally known technology expert and teacher librarian, will skype into the conference from the ISTE Conference in Denver, Colorado.
Ken Stamatis Sponsored by: Twitter @KenStamatis Assistant Professor at Harding University Founder of Africa Reads Specializes in Mid-Level Literacy “Teachers Teaching Teachers” FF
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