ERASMUS + SCHOOL ONLY STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS, KEY ACTION KA2 2014–1–IT02-KA201-003491_5 EUROPE FOR INCLUSION First teaching – learning – training event Sassari, Italia “How can we improve our teaching methods to make students with disgraphy, dislexia and discalculity more successful in our schools?“ Dissemination material prepared by the Romanian teachers participanting at the event: Diana – Elena Chițu, Daniela Petruț, Elena Carmen Ionescu, Gabriela Bordea, Daniela Manolachi
The first teaching – learning – training event took part between 12th – 16th of January 2015 and it was organised by the Italian partner in Sassari, Italy. The Romanian school was represented by five teachers: Daniela Petrut, Elena Carmen Ionescu, Gabriela Bordea, Daniela Manolachi and Diana Elena Chitu. The course was “How can we improve our teaching methods to make students with disgraphy, dislexia and discalculity more successful in our schools?“. We were welcomed at school, we visited classes, we talked to the students, teachers and caretakers, we had the chance to see how the Italian partners work with the students. We participated at teaching – learning – training sessions led by a trainer on Specific Learning Disturbs - a teacher with experience in the fied of SLD at Sassari University and primary school teacher at Instituto Comprensivo San Donato and a super expert - a high professional teacher in this field, bearing a systematic vision of SLD in the European and international landscape.
- 6 hours of methodological support The training activity proposed has been thought in a integrated way and it is articulated as it follows: - 6 hours of methodological support - 1 hour of experimentation of activities elaborated by the Italian Scientific Committee in classes were children with Specific Learning Disturbs are present. The children played the role of tutor with the European teachers. - 1 hour of feedback in cooperative learning modalities - 2 hours for working at the elaboration of common grid to be used in the third year of the project in order to elaborate the Inclusive Learning Unit.
The Romanian trainees consider that during the training course they have learnt mainly about the learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysgrafia and dyortographia), they found out ways of dealing with such difficulties and strategies to be used in order to cope with the problems caused by these Scholastic Skills Disorders in the countries whici are partners in Europe for Inclusion project and the trainees have aquired competences in learning theories abour special needs. It was useful because it helped us in working with students with special needs.
Apart from the theoretical meetings, there were developed practical sessions, in which the European teachers had to observe and experiment activities designed by the Italian teachers in order to show how they cope with SSD students’problems in their daily routines. Afterwards the teachers discussed about their teaching and learning experience in plenary sessions. The Romanian teachers took part at some activities organised with students from the 2nd grade, at Caniga School. The lesson was organised in groups (in which we were integraded, too) and there was used Playing as a learning method, which offered the students the possibility to think, observe and cooperate with the other members of the group.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication (communication) reflects the view only of the author and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.