A SEMINAR REPORT ON “PULSE DETONATION ENGINE” Department of Mechanical Engineering Govt. college of engineering pune Guided by Submited by Prof M T Shete Samir singh
Pulse Detonation Engine(PDE) Introduction Deflagration v/s Detonation Principle of engine Configuration Classification Analysis Advantages Challenges conclusion
Introduction PDE is a propulsion technology that can be used in aviation industries Main objective of PDE is to develop efficient engine that can be used at high speed & at high altitudes.
Various propulsion engine are ramjet engine, scramjet engine, pulse jet engine. PDE is similar to pulse jet engine. the diffrence is that PDE detonate their fuel rather than deflagrate.
Deflagration v/s Detonation Deflagration is process of burning the fuel rapidly with the flame that travel with subsonic speed.it is also called subsonic combustion . Detonation is a violent reaction, violent release of confined energy, usually accompanied by a loud sound and shock waves. It is also called supersonic combustion . .
Principle of engine
Configuration of typical pde
Classification of PDE Pure pulse detonation engine Combined cycle PDE Hybrid pulse detonation engine
Turbofan engine Hybrid PDE
ADVANTAGES OF PDE: 1) The thermodynamic efficiency of pulse detonation engine is higher. 2) More efficient in specific thurst and specific fuel consumption than current ramjet engine. 3)No fuel turbopump required. 4)reduced cost and complexity than liquid propellant rocket. 5) Mechanical simplicity and high compression ratio.
Challenges for PDE Initiation of detonation Frequency with which detonation has to be repeated Materials for detonation tube needs to be developed
Conclusion PDE makes excellant choice for static thurst & also thermodynamic efficiency PDE is higher than conventional propulsion engine Can be used in aircraft at high altitudes with high speed and efficiency.
Refrences http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/pde.shtml> Kailasanath, K. “Recent Developments in the Research on Pulse Detonation Engines,” 40th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2002-0470. G.D. Roy, S.M. Frolov, A.A. Borisov, D.W. Netzer “Pulse detonation propulsion: challenges, current status, and future perspective” Pulse detonation engine technology :an overview By Matthew Lam, Daniel Tillie, Timothy Leaver, Brian McFadden, APSC 201 http://www.aardvark.co.nz/pjet/pde.shtml> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_detonation_engine http://www.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123099095