Florida Progression and Graduation Requirements Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Student Progression Each district shall establish a comprehensive plan for student progression which must provide for a student’s progression from one grade to another based on the student’s mastery of the state standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies standards. -Section 1008.25, F.S. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Promotion Students who meet all criteria for advancement to the next grade by the end of the regular 180 day school year or the summer session will be promoted. Students who do not meet all of the requirements for promotion will be retained, unless they qualify an administrative promotion due to good cause or exemption. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Kindergarten Retention Although this practice was once popular, it has taken place less and less. As mandatory 3rd grade retention became a real prospect, and there are limitations as to how many times students can be retained, some districts are hesitant to do so. Other districts still retain in Kindergarten to give kids time to mature before taking the 3rd grade FSAs. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Third Grade And Retention Under Florida law, third grade students who score a level one on the statewide Florida Standards Assessment-English Language Arts (FSA-ELA)must be retained in Grade 3, unless a student meets a “good cause exemption.” -Section 1008.25(5), F.S. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Exemptions Third graders who score a level 1 on the English Language Arts assessment can be exempted from the retention requirement and be promoted to fourth grade. Students who demonstrate the required reading level 2 through a state-approved alternative standardized reading test or through a student portfolio can be granted a “good cause exemption” and be promoted to fourth grade. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Exemptions contd.. Good cause exemptions are given to the following students: Limited English Proficient (LEP) students who have had less than two years of instruction in an English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program Students with disabilities whose Individual Educational Plan (IEP) indicates that participation in the statewide assessment program is not appropriate, consistent with the requirements of State Board of Education rule (Access Points students) Students who demonstrate an acceptable level of performance on a state-approved alternative standardized reading or English Language Arts assessment approved by the State Board of Education Students with disabilities who participate in the statewide standardized assessment and whose IEP or 504 Plan reflects that the student has received intensive remediation in reading and English Language Arts for more than two years, but still demonstrates a deficiency and was previously retained in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2 or grade 3 Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Exemptions contd.. Students who have received intensive reading intervention for two or more years but still demonstrate a deficiency in reading and who were previously retained in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2 or grade 3 for a total of two years Students who have received intensive remediation in reading and English Language Arts for two or more years, but who still have a deficiency in reading and have already been retained in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2 or grade 3 for a total of two years Students who demonstrate, through a student portfolio, that he or she is performing at least at a Level 2 on the statewide standardized assessment Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
What Is A Portfolio? A compilation of student work product that provides evidence of a student’s mastery of the third-grade ELA standards used to promote students to the 4th grade. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
A Portfolio Must: Be selected by the student’s teacher Be an accurate picture of the student’s ability and only include student work that has been independently produced in the classroom Include evidence that the standards assessed by the Grade 3 statewide English Language Arts assessment have been met. There must be at least three (3) examples of mastery as demonstrated by a grade of seventy (70) percent or above on each example; and Be signed by the teacher and the principal as an accurate assessment of the required reading skills Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Other Options For 4th Grade Promotion MID-YEAR PROMOTION If the child achieves the required reading level during the next school year, the child may be promoted to fourth grade midyear. The child must demonstrate mastery of the third-grade reading skills. Standardized test Teacher may put together a portfolio of the student’s work Additional district requirements may be specified in the district’s Student Progression Plan. TRANSITIONAL CLASS The district may offer retained third-grade students the opportunity of being served in a transitional instructional setting containing both third and fourth grade students Designed to help them meet the fourth-grade standards, while continuing the remediation for the reading deficiency Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Promotion To High School Promotion from middle school to high school requires successful completion of the following courses: Three middle grades or higher* courses in English language arts. Three middle grades or higher* courses in mathematics. Three middle grades or higher* courses in science. Three middle grades or higher* courses in social studies. One of these social studies courses must be Civics. There is a statewide, standardized end-of-course exam for Civics that must be taken and factored in as 30% of a student’s course grade. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Diploma Options 24 credit option (Standard Diploma Option) 18 credit ACCEL Option (Academically Challenging Curriculum to Enhance Learning) AICE Curriculum (Advanced International Certificate of Education) IB Diploma Curriculum (International Baccalaureate) Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Graduation Requirements Students must meet state assessment requirements FSA EOC (End of course exams) Students must earn at least a 2.0 out of 4.0 grade point average Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Standard Diploma Option Students must complete 24 credits 4 English Language Arts, 4 Math, 3 Science, 3 Social Studies, 1 Fine arts/performing arts/Speech, 1 P.E., 8 Electives One of the courses within these 24 credits must be an online course Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Standard Diploma Designations There are also two designations that can be added to an eligible student’s diploma: The Scholar Diploma Designation, and The Merit Diploma Designation. Each designation has additional requirements in addition to the 24 credit standard diploma requirements Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Scholar Designation Students must satisfy the following requirements: 1. Mathematics.—Earn one credit in Algebra II and one credit in statistics or an equally rigorous course. Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2014-2015 school year, pass the Geometry statewide, standardized assessment. 2. Science.—Pass the statewide, standardized Biology I EOC assessment and earn one credit in chemistry or physics and one credit in a course equally rigorous to chemistry or physics. However, a student enrolled in an Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), or Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Biology course who takes the respective AP, IB, or AICE Biology assessment and earns the minimum score necessary to earn college credit as identified pursuant to s. 1007.27(2) meets the requirement of this subparagraph without having to take the statewide, standardized Biology I EOC assessment. 3. Social studies.—Pass the statewide, standardized United States History EOC assessment. However, a student enrolled in an AP, IB, or AICE course that includes United States History topics who takes the respective AP, IB, or AICE assessment and earns the minimum score necessary to earn college credit as identified pursuant to s. 1007.27(2) meets the requirement of this subparagraph without having to take the statewide, standardized United States History EOC assessment. 4. Foreign language.—Earn two credits in the same foreign language. 5. Electives.—Earn at least one credit in an Advanced Placement, an International Baccalaureate, an Advanced International Certificate of Education, or a dual enrollment course. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Merit Diploma Merit Designation: Students must earn one or more industry certifications in at least one of the following : (a) Within an industry that addresses a critical local or statewide economic need; (b) Linked to an occupation that is included in the workforce system’s targeted occupation list; or (c) Linked to an occupation that is identified as emerging. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
18 Credit ACCEL, AICE Curriculum, and IB Curriculum Options ACCEL allows for mid year and whole grade promotions, subject matter acceleration, or credit acceleration for eligible students. Allows eligible students to take virtual classes in higher grade level subjects This option contains 3 elective credits instead of 8, and does not require PE or an online course. Advanced International Certificate of Education(AICE) allows eligible students to earn college credit through passing exams in three sets of curriculum. International Baccalaureate(IB) is a 2 year curriculum that allows eligible students to earn college credit through passing exams in six subject groups. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Assessments Required For Graduation FSA: Grade 10 English Language Arts or a concordant score Geometry End of Course A passing score is 499 A passing score is 350 U.S. History End of Course Algebra 1 End of Course A passing score is 397 A passing score is 497 Biology 1 End of Course A passing score is 395 Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Certificate Of Completion Students who earn the required 24 credits, but do not earn at least a 2.0 GPA, or do not pass the required assessments will receive a certificate of completion rather than a standard diploma. This certificate is highly problematic. It is not accepted at most colleges, and some employers do not accept it. You do not qualify for PELL grants with this certificate. Students/parents/advocates are often told that this certificate is “just as good as a regular diploma”. It’s not. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Waivers For SWD Students with disabilities who entered grade 9 in 2014–15 and beyond are required to work toward a standard high school diploma and are expected to participate in statewide, standardized assessments. Also applies to Students with disabilities who entered grade 9 in 2013–14 or earlier and are working toward a standard high school diploma Includes FSA and End of Course Exams Good News!! State law provides for a waiver of statewide, standardized assessment graduation requirements for students with disabilities whose abilities cannot be accurately measured by the assessments. Students with disabilities who are exempt or receive a waiver can still earn a standard diploma. “A student with a disability for whom the IEP team determines that the statewide, standardized assessments under this section cannot accurately measure the student’s abilities, taking into consideration all allowable accommodations, shall have assessment results waived for the purpose of receiving a course grade and a standard high school diploma.” - S. 1008.22(3)(c)2., F.S., Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Criteria For A Waiver Of Statewide Standardized Assessments Student must be identified as a student with a disability Student must have an individual educational plan (IEP) Student must have taken the statewide, standardized assessment with appropriate allowable accommodations at least once The IEP team must make a determination of whether a statewide, standardized assessment accurately measures the student’s abilities, taking into consideration all allowable accommodations for students with disabilities Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Options For SWD Who Do Not Pass A Required Standardized Test Or Receive A Waiver Return to high school to continue working toward passing the assessment or meeting the criteria for a waiver of the results until reaching the age of 22 Receive a score comparable to the passing score for the required statewide, standardized assessment on the SAT, ACT or P.E.R.T. Receive assessment remediation through adult education Prepare for the high school equivalency test through adult education Receive a certificate of completion Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Additional Options For SWD Students with disabilities have two additional options for meeting graduation requirements. Both require 24 credits Students with significant cognitive disabilities may earn credits via Access courses and be assessed on a Florida Standards Alternate Assessment Students may earn at least 0.5 credit via paid employment. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Diploma Options For SWD In addition to a Standard Diploma, students with disabilities have two other options for meeting graduation requirements. Both options require the same 24 credits as the standard diploma option. The Student’s IEP team determines which option is best. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Option One The IEP team determines if the Florida Alternate Assessment is an appropriate measure of the student’s skills and access point instruction is the most appropriate way to provide access to the general curriculum. Requires documentation of: Completion of minimum HS graduation requirements Achievement of all annual goals and short term objectives Successful employment Mastery of academic and employment competencies, industry certification, occupational completion points can also be submitted. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Option Two The IEP team determines that mastering academic and employment competencies is a more appropriate way for the student to demonstrate their skills. Career and Technical Education courses can substitute similar content for one credit in English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social studies. Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology I, and U.S. History cannot be substituted. A portfolio including documented work experience, internships, community service, and any postsecondary credits, can also be submitted, for students whose IEP team waive performance on standardized assessments Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Important To Note!!! There is no Rush for students with disabilities! SWD can continue to receive Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) until the day they turn 22 or until the end of the school semester or school year the student turns 22. Unfortunately, graduation requirements change every year. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL
Questions? Please feel free to send any questions regarding this webinar to: edu.advocacy@gal.fl.gov Once you have completed the webinar, please email training@gal.fl.gov to receive your certificate. Community Legal Services of Mid- FL