Lecture 1: Introduction


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Presentation transcript:

Lecture 1: Introduction PCA0075 Computer Applications & Web Design (4 Credit Hour) When did this uni start ? 1996. in 2016= 20 years Why is foundation so important? Name a few successful people you know. – mark zuckerberg, bill gates, rober. Why are they successful? Smart, intelligent, passion, drive, not scared. Why is it so important to learn about computers? Lecture 1: Introduction This 4 credit hour course will cover the fundamental principles of computing and computer technology. Basically, you will be learning the aspects of computers and its applications in the real world….

Outline Introduction Course Outline Reference Book Course Policies Quiz

Lecturer Info Lilian Anthonysamy Consultation Hours: 03-83125672 Qualification : B.IT(Hons) Information Systems Engineering Masters in Technology and Innovation 03-83125672 lilian.anthonysamy@mmu.edu.my Room: FOM BR 2006 Consultation Hours: Tuesday – 2pm – 4pm Thursday – 2pm – 3pm

Subject Learning Outcomes (LO) Describe concepts of computing and its’ applications(Cognitive 1) Construct a website with various multimedia and authoring tools (Cognitive 3) Demonstrate skills required in computing and Web page design(Affective 3) Apply knowledge related to computer technology and usage (Cognitive 3) Cognitive Level 1 – Knowledge ( Definition, Recall, State, Identify) Cognitive Level 2 - Comprehension ( Describe , discuss) Cognitive Level 3 – Application (Apply, demonstate, illustrate ) Affective Level 1 – Receiving Affective Level 2 – Responding Affective Level 3 – Valuing (adopt, show concern)

Subject Info MMLS Course outline Lecture & Tutorial Announcement Discovering computers : Shelly Cashman Series MMLS Course outline Lecture & Tutorial Face to Face (F2F) Self Learning Time (SLT) Announcement Coursework marks

Blended Learning The flipped classroom is a pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions. Blended learning is the umbrella term for blending F2F learning and computerized teaching technology (thru online, video, using computer)

University Rules Missed Classes: The student is responsible for obtaining any materials distributed (if any) . Any form of documentation(MC, letter, etc..) has to be given within 3 days. Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and may be punished by failure on exam, paper or project. For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. Passing Grade = C ( C-, D+, F => Fail) You need a CGPA of 2.00 to move to Beta (2.67 for Accounting Major, MUET Band 2) Attendance requirement = 80% Original work only. Do not use other people’s idea, images, templates, etc.

Class Rules PUNCTUALITY CONSULTATION Late/incomplete submission: -10% Late Comers = VIP Seat (minimum amount of disturbance) 3 times late = 1 absent CONSULTATION Consultations other than the stipulated consultation time are on appointment basis. Appointments to be made through email. Late/incomplete submission: -10% Bring your own laptop to tutorials(fully charged) Lateness is often a rude and disruptive form of behavior, especially when it is accompanied by doors opening and shutting, loud noises, and students distractingly passing in front of the instructor to get to their seats.

What you need to do next? Form groups for Class discussions in MMLS yourself ( max 5 members per group) Brainstorm a website title Print out the lecture plan and lecture slides before coming to class.

Software to install Paint.net You need to turn off your firewall first before installing You need the Internet to install Once y0u have installed paint.exe, you need to install effects.

Mobile phone :Kahoot.it Quiz Mobile phone :Kahoot.it Getkahoot.com