New Life Financial Planning Bryan Daly | New Life Financial Planning
Congratulations! Many people spend more time planning vacations than they do planning finances
Learn what most people don’t know about money and finance How to get to a zero tax bracket- legally- and never pay tax on your retirement income. How Uncle Sam can help pay for your retirement. Life Insurance you don’t have to die to use. Get the upside potential of the stock market with no downside risk Eliminate taxes, risk, and fees. How to have your program paid for
Not having a plan IS A PLAN….just not a good one “If I had more money I would have a better financial plan”… “If I had a better financial plan I would have more money?”
Our First Meeting We are not going to ask you to make any major decisions. The purpose of our first meeting is to overview our Company, what we believe in and why we are excited about it. If at the end of our meeting and if this makes as much sense to you as it does to us, we’ll gather some information, so we can do our homework and then return with an analysis and some recommendations.
save, make, and manage money… Innovative ways to save, make, and manage money… Imagine turning DEBT into WEALTH Eliminate all the ways people fail financially
Money can be Freedom or Slavery Either we control our money or it controls us
“I owe I owe it’s off to work I go” Most People don’t have a savings problem, they really have a DEBT Problem Imagine debt free in 7 years including a 30 year mortgage, and ALL your debts without increasing your monthly payments
We work for you… NOT Wall Street! We are totally independent We represent our clients in the marketplace We work for our clients not a Company We represent entire industries and find the best Products and Concepts
Six Steps to Financial Security Debt Free, Tax Free, Risk Free, Stress Free Six Steps to Financial Security Increase cash flow 1 Create an emergency fund 2 Manage debt 3 Ensure proper protection 4 Build long term savings 5 Preserve your estate 6
Six things you can do with money Eliminate the first three So you can do 100% of the next three! 1 pay taxes 2 pay debt 3 lose it 4 spend it 5 invest it 6 give it away
A second opinion should be your first priority Spend Less Save More Always Invest
Our Job Description To help you set and reach your financial goals “Nobody ever went broke saving money”
To stay on track and avoid major mistakes Hire a: Coach Cheerleader Advisor
Guidelines 1) We do not make any decisions for you. You are the boss. You make all the decisions 2) You can never hurt our feelings 3) Everything we discuss is strictly confidential. 4) We work exclusively on referrals
Our Recommendations MUST 1) Make sense and must help you reach your goals. 2) Something you like and something you are comfortable with 3) Affordable
How we are paid 1) Introductions How we are paid 1) Introductions. If we are hired to do an analysis, we do not charge a fee, but instead, ask that you include us in your referral network. 2) Implementation. Since we are independent advisors we represent you in the marketplace to select the best programs and Companies for your needs. When we do the Companies, we select pay us you don’t pay us directly.
We are applying to be your advisor, coach, and financial cheerleader. 1) Dream Big 2) Start Small 3) Begin at Once We are applying to be your advisor, coach, and financial cheerleader. The 1st step is to make a decision then take action
Innovative ways to pay for your plan Financial Freedom Sooner Use it for whatever you want Referrals
We seek a long term business relationship not a transaction
Your Complimentary Analysis
Your Complimentary Analysis
If you don’t want financial security, that’s your business. If you do, that’s my business! The Choice is Yours
Get Your Complimentary Analysis
Bryan Daly New Life Financial Planning Registered Investment Advisor Fiduciary Planner 561 246-1404