At a Glance
Overview History Organisation Alumni Location Research Beyond Technology Studies Facts & Figures Mobility
Outline of History 1815: founded as „k.k. polytechnisches Institut“ 1865: first reform 1872: changed to „Technische Hochschule“ (TH) 1902: first doctorates awarded 1975: name changed to „Technische Universität“ (TU) 1999: implementation of University Act´93 2004: autonomy through University Act´02
Alumni Christian Doppler (Doppler effect) Viktor Kaplan (Kaplan turbine) Fritz Lang (film director) Josef & Johann Strauß (composers) Herbert Boeckl (painter) Rudolf Steiner (anthroposopher) Franz Viehböck (astronaut) Luis Trenker (climber & actor) Richard Zsigmondy (Nobel Prize laureate)
Research awarded scienticts: 4 winners of the Wittgenstein-Award external co-operation: involved in federal funded 12 competence centers and 7 Christian Doppler-Labs internal co-operation: 5 internal „Centers of Excellence“ EU-Projects: 5th Framework Program (1998 – 2000): 145 projects, EUR 26 Mio. funding number of projects in major programs: Human Ressources and Mobility (22), COST (32), INTAS(19), EUREKA (21)
Study Programs I Program Beginners Students Graduates Actuarial Mathematics* 25 68 - Architecture* 524 3.028 287 Civil Engineering* 220 1.223 101 Computer Sciences* 791 4.855 188 Computer Science Management* 149 1.489 110 Economics / Mechanical Engineering 158 827 65 Electrical Engineering* 255 1.661 109 Programs marked with “*“ already offer bachelor and master programs.
Study Programs II Program Beginners Students Graduates Mechanical Engineering 256 1.175 41 Process Engineering 40 274 18 Regional Planning* 95 420 29 Surveying & Geoinformation* 38 191 21 Technical Chemistry 111 606 48 Technical Physics 178 1.017 51 Technical Mathematics 195 1.003 37 Programs marked with “*“ already offer bachelor and master programs.
Mobility Programmes and Networks (mobility and training): Europe: ERASMUS (185 Universities within the EU); Thematic Networks (e.g. E4, EUPEN, ...); T.I.M.E. (Double Degree Programmes); TEMPUS (university management, CD) USA: AE3, Joint Study Programmes Latin America: LAE3, ALFA II Asia: ASEA-Uninet (Southeast Asia), Eurasia-Pacific (China, Mongolia)
Organisation I new University Act 2002 in full force since 2004 now 8 Faculties instead of 5 as before led by Rector and 3 Vice Rectors new founded University Council (5 members), acts as supervisory board smaller Senate with 24 members
Organisation II: Faculties Architecture and Planning Civil Engineering Informatics Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Mathemathics and Geoinformation Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Physics Technical Chemistry
Main Locations | Neighbourhood a. Karlsplatz b. Getreidemarkt 2. c. Gußhaus | Favo. d. Freihaus, Library b. 1. 3. d. 1. Secession a. 4. 2. Opera House c. 3. Musikverein 4. Karlskirche
Beyond Technology two orchestras Vienna´s oldest ball soccer club (vice world champion!) public debate series „Streitgespräche“
Facts & Figures Finances: approx. 155 Mio. EUR federal funding plus approx. 45 Mio. EUR research grants and contracts Staff: 412 professors, 542 associate and assistant professors, 1.313 lecturers and 860 non-scientific staff members Room: over 9.000 rooms with an over all area of 273.000 squaremeters Library: 1.210.000 items, 2.310 journals Students: 15.825; 19,6% foreign students, 23,0% women (fall 2004) Graduates: 945 + 231 Ph.D. (2004)
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