At a Glance
Overview History Organisation Alumni Location Research Beyond Technology Studies Facts & Figures Mobility
Outline of History 1815: founded as „k.k. polytechnisches Institut“ 1865: first reform 1872: changed to „Technische Hochschule“ (TH) 1902: first doctorates awarded 1975: name changed to „Technische Universität“ (TU) 1999: implementation of University Act´93 2004: autonomy through University Act´02
Alumni Christian Doppler (Doppler effect) Viktor Kaplan (Kaplan turbine) Fritz Lang (film director) Josef & Johann Strauß (composers) Herbert Boeckl (painter) Rudolf Steiner (anthroposopher) Franz Viehböck (astronaut) Luis Trenker (climber & actor) Richard Zsigmondy (Nobel Prize laureate)
Research awarded scienticts: 5 winners of the Wittgenstein-Award external co-operation: involved in federal funded 20 competence centers and 8 Christian Doppler-Labs internal co-operation: 7 internal „Centers of Excellence“ EU-Projects: 5th Framework Program (1998 – 2000): 29 projects, EUR 23 Mio. funding, 6th Framework Program (2002 - 2006): 126 projects, EUR 28,6 Mio. funding till now
Study Programs I Program Architecture 626 3349 203 Civil Engineering Beginners Students Graduates Architecture 626 3349 203 Civil Engineering 378 1198 81 Computer Science Management 162 462 90 Computer Sciences 934 5516 376 Economics / Mechanical Engineering 169 886 47 Economics and Computer Sciences 206 1331 116 Electrical Engineering 325 1812 105 Mechanical Engineering 225 1208 46 All programs correspond to the bologna-agreement (bachelor-master-phd)
Study Programs II Program Process Engineering 53 277 9 Beginners Students Graduates Process Engineering 53 277 9 Regional Planning 145 563 23 Surveying & Geoinformation 48 227 Teacher Training 69 304 26 Technical Chemistry 131 601 50 Technical Mathematics 240 1112 Technical Physics 224 1117 64 All programs correspond to the bologna-agreement (bachelor-master-phd)
Mobility Programmes and Networks (mobility and training): Europe: ERASMUS (185 Universities within the EU); Thematic Networks (e.g. E4, EUPEN, ...); T.I.M.E. (Double Degree Programmes); TEMPUS (university management, CD) USA: AE3, Joint Study Programmes Latin America: LAE3, ALFA II Asia: ASEA-Uninet (Southeast Asia), Eurasia-Pacific (China, Mongolia) 48 Partner-Universities worldwide
Organisation I new University Act 2002 in full force since 2004 since 8 Faculties instead of 5 as before led by Rector and 3 Vice Rectors new founded University Council (5 members), acts as supervisory board smaller Senate with 24 members
Organisation II: Faculties Architecture and Planning Civil Engineering Informatics Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Mathemathics and Geoinformation Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Physics Technical Chemistry
Main Locations | Neighbourhood a. Karlsplatz b. Getreidemarkt 2. c. Gußhaus | Favo. d. Freihaus, Library b. 1. 3. d. 1. Secession a. 4. 2. Opera House c. 3. Musikverein 4. Karlskirche
Beyond Technology two orchestras Vienna´s oldest ball soccer club (vice world champion!) public debate series „TU-Forum“
Facts & Figures Finances: approx. 155 Mio. EUR federal funding plus approx. 45 Mio. EUR research grants and contracts Staff: 153 professors, 1.546 scientific staff and 972 non-scientific staff members (2.671 overall) Room: over 9.000 rooms with an over all area of 273.000 squaremeters Library: >1.210.000 items, >2.310 journals Students: 17.579; 20,2% foreign students, 23,7% women (fall 2006) Graduates: 1.300 + 238 Ph.D. (2005)
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