Chapter 1: Bonding and Molecular Structure CH 1-3 Isomers-Drawing Structures Chemical formula and Lewis Structures Constitutional Isomers Covalent bonds (sigma and pi) Hybridization Molecular geometry Formal Charge Dash formula, condensed formula, zig-zag formula
Isomers of Simple Organic Molecules Lewis Structures or Dash Formulas: (ethanol) (dimethyl ether) These molecules are Constitutional Isomers.
How are these molecules related? Don’t be Fooled – Identical! Different! Different formula!
Drawing organic structures: Draw accurate “Dash” Structures for all Constitutional Isomers with a formula of C3H6O. HINT: each structure must have ONE double bond OR ONE ring! continued!!!!
Drawing organic structures: Wow…..there are 9 Constitutional Isomers with a formula of C3H6O!!!!
Drawing Organic Structures C4H9Cl…….”Dashed Structure” vs “Condensed Structure”: CH3- CH2- CHCl- CH3 - or - CH3- CH2- CH- CH3 | Cl
Drawing Organic Structures C4H9Cl…….”Zig-Zag” Structure: Now try drawing all the possible Constitutional Isomers for C4H9Cl. You should discuss your answers with other students.