2018 ADRA Appeal Instructions for the Reporting Book Hello everyone. I am Stha Nyamusara, Accountant at ADRA-UK. Let’s talk about the Reporting Book :) Now, this is my favourite part because we start to see exactly how much we as individuals, as a body, have raised to help those in need. We can also see how much we can actually spend on such important projects So, let’s go straight in 2018 ADRA Appeal Instructions for the Reporting Book
ADRA Needs You
What’s New? Door Collection & General Donations now one book Banking to be done using a single bank account Option to deposit funds at the Post Office where there is no nearby HSBC branch 10% return offer for churches that raise £500 minimum Let’s have a look at the reporting book … Introductory slide - key changes (smile you’re doing great work for Jesus) 😊
(5) Details and certification Inside the book: Instructions (2) Door Collection (3) General Donations (4) Banking (5) Details and certification Our new 2018 Reporting Book Overview of contents
Not for home tins or donations! Not for door collection income! 😊 Inside the book - what does it look like DC 1-6 GD 1-10 Always insert the carton in between pages before writing
1801135 David Baker 00001 David Baker Luton 62 Cornerkick, TL2 8KY Luton Pages DC1 to DC6 are for Door to door income only. Please do not use this for recording income that is not door to door. 😊 Luton David Baker
1811105 Jennifer Jones 192083 6 April 2018 £12.50 1811106 Alice Moore 119283 £125.25 10 April 2018 £25.00 1811109 😊Important: (Red arrow) Ensure that each DC page has been correctly added up (Black arrow ) Make sure that DC each page total is correctly transferred to the banking record page Don Jacobs 192102 11 April 2018 £55.25 £125.25
5 April 2018 David Mashinga £75 Talk about details entered - date, name, gift aid, cash/chq fields and amount Gift aid tick box must be accompanied by a gift aid envelope that is returned to ADRA-UK for processing. Full name, address including postcode are essential for gift aid claim This part of the book is for non-door to door income only. Please do not use this for recording door to door income. Each page is attached to a duplicate copy to facilitate easy receipting
David Mashinga £75 Mr K Wellbeing £25 5 April 2018 David Mashinga £75 6 April 2018 Mr K Wellbeing £25
David Mashinga £75 Mr K Wellbeing £25 5 April 2018 David Mashinga £75 6 April 2018 Mr K Wellbeing £25 Again, each page is attached to a duplicate copy to facilitate receipting
£625.25 £125.25 £400.00 £200.00 £650.00 £300.00 £100.00 £100.00 Transfer figures carefully from pages DC1 to DC6 and from GD1 to GD10 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £725.25 £2,075.25 2,800.50
£625.25 £125.25 £400.00 £200.00 £650.00 £300.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £100.00 £725.25 £2,075.25 2,800.50 8/4/18 £200.50 20/4/18 £1,500.00 9/4/18 £600.00 Make sure that the Total Raised equals the Total Banked Attach banking confirmation slips/receipts as evidence of banking; explain the issue with not following this guidance We get £000s of unknown bankings e.g. if someone banks in Stratford, London - how does ADRA-UK know which church it belongs to? 15/4/18 £500.00 £2,800.50
Luton Northside Mrs Angela Agent 071198880 M Swainie AAGENT@LUTONMAIL.COM 😊Emphasise the criteria for 10% return offer: Write your details clearly - if unclear, we may struggle to contact you - suggest writing contact details in Caps Must report accurately by 31st May 2018 Total Banked must equal Total Raised M Swainie
M Swainie 29 May 2018 Mrs Angela Agent Mr A Witness 29 May 2018 Enter your details including church, agent name, contact details etc. If your church has raised a minimum of £500.00 and wishes to claim the 10% cash back for community work, then you need to tick the box under ‘The 10% return offer’. But you must submit accurate reports by 31st May 2018 Work with Treasurers if struggling or ask them to act as witness ADRA-UK will process the return to your church in due course. M Swainie 29 May 2018 Mrs Angela Agent Mr A Witness 29 May 2018 29 May 2018
Make sure you have completed all the required fields correctly before you return the book to ADRA-UK by….. 31st May 2018
Return to ADRA by 31/05/2018: Completed and signed Reporting Book All bank paying-in slips Completed Gift Aid envelopes Summary of what you need to return to ADRA-UK by 31/5/18
Don’t forget to bank all cash from home tins as there may be old £1 coins or £10 notes in there.
Stanborough Park, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9JZ, England Tel. +44(0)30 30 40 10 17 - www.adra.org.uk Registered charity 1074937 (SCO37726 - IOM1101) 😊There will be an allocated time for questions