First some context, Brussels is the most congested city in the world according to TOM TOM data Mobility is a shared competence between two administrations:


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Presentation transcript:

First some context, Brussels is the most congested city in the world according to TOM TOM data Mobility is a shared competence between two administrations: Mobility and Environnement our goal: cleaner air, reclaiming public space and a more liveable capital of europe

Creating a more liveable city has to be a shared responsability of everyone, not only the governement but also the 3 biggest trafic generators as we call them: school, companies and events We try to work together with them through the so called travel plans

We try not to blame car drivers too much for taking their company cars (a typical Belgian phenomenon) to work and we want to bring a positive message of testing and developping alternatives of course training like our mobility management training

Company travel plans are an obligation for brussels companies with 100 employees, we ask them every 3 years to make an analysis of the mobility situation, how the company is accessible by all modes and how do my employees commute + we encourage them to take action

There are 714.000 people working in Brussels, 43% of them is working in a company with a company travel plan 87% of the data were considerd as valuable so we could make some conclusions about the companies with a travel plans

When we look at the modal split we can see that the train wins This is quiet a unique situation compared to the other regions, Flanders and Wallonia, where cars have the biggist modal share Because the companies in our sample are quite large, they recruit all over the country, and luckily Brussels is very accessible by train from everywhere in Belgium

The obligation to make company travel plans exists since 2006, wich gives us the opportunity to compare the numbers We can see that train has grown quite a bit over the years, just like other public transport (metro, tram and bus) Although it might not be impressive tot you guys, but in Brussels we are very happy with the growing share of bikes and of course the share of the car alone

This is a compairison of how people commute according to the distance For small distances until 3 km people are walking and cycling, for 5-6 km people take urban public transport (although these are also perfect distances for biking). Train is the most chosen transport mode for larger dintances, but if it becomes too far, people are once again taking their cars

When we look at measures that are taken in travel plans, designating a mobility manager is a very popular one Having a mobility manager, changes the dynamic of a company We also see that those companies have better results in terms of modal split

Because many people who have this function aren’t necessarely experts, we created, together with Traject a consultancy, we created mobility management training In order to enable them to analyse, plan, coordinate, implement actions and evaluate  4. Fiscaliteit & mobiliteitsbudget. Oplossingen en maatregelen (deel 2) : collectief vervoer  5. Oplossingen en maatregelen (deel 3) : actieve modi, carpool en auto : Communicatie en sensibilisering  6. Afsluitende praktijkworkshop

First day, a broad view on mobility: impact on society and economics, link with urban planning, health, labour market Interactive, presentation company, mobility manager and expectations

How to make a succesfull travel plan: collecting data, making accesibility & mobility programs Developpe an action plan Implement Monitoring and evaluation GISMOBTOOL

Active modes (how to convince people to take a bike) and a different perspective on cars (parking, carpool) How to communicate and sensitize people

Global approach with general measures Change management, testemonials form other mobility managers Intermodal visit

Fiscality and mobility budget, very complicated question of company cars in Belgium Public Transport Authories on how network is developped

Each mobility manager gets some homework for the final day SWOT-analysis of their accessibility and mobility Goals for modal shift Action plan short & longterm

In three years we have formed almost 60 mobility coordinators, who have become very active in our other activities like the mobility week and our yearly congress Next step is developping a network of mobility mangers with the participants and have them reunite twice a years to exchange best practices This was a question that came from the participants themselves, some of the meet on an informal basis

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