Letter December 2013 from Michael Kuo(Education and Training Committee, ESPO)
Summary of the letter An education and training committee has been formed by ESPO to develop a curriculum in pediatric otolaryngology which is suitable for European Otolaryngologists to define a level of training in this subspecialty for general otolaryngologists. One scenario in each section of the European Board Examination should be on a pediatric topic. 20% of the MCQ,s should have pediatric flavor. A section of the UEMS logbook should be on pediatric ORL. Establishing of pediatric fellowships. ESPO wants to be invited when UEMS discuss pediatric matters
Letter from John Graham, Secretary General, ESPO(july 2014)
Summary of the letter Unfortunately, diagnostic procedures and operations in pediatric ORL remains distributed among the 6 sections in the logbook, ESPO wants a special section( VII) on pediatric ORL. In about 5 European Countries there are dedicated pediatric otolaryngologists EBORL aspects as mentioned in Michael Kuo,s letter
Presidents answer on behalf of the board of UEMS ORL Section Few countries have dedicated pediatric otolaryngologists in charge of pediatric ORL. In most countries pediatric ORL is included in general ENT. Insertion of for instance grommets and mastoidectomy is not considered as a specialized pediatric procedure. We have been asked from a Polish collegue if we support specialization of purely pediatric ORL doctors. The answer was no. We consider pediatric ORL as a subspecialty in line with Otology, Head and neck…………………… We are not at present prepared to fundamentally change the ground structure of the main logbook, but it has to be discussed by all delegates at this meeting. In the coming revision process we will of course include all general aspects of pediatric ORL and we invite ESPO to participate.
Mail: John Graham September 27th,2014 “What ESPO have been asking for is certainly not a separate paediatric subspecialty. Clearly this would not be appropriate for the majority of the EU countries, where such subspecialties does not exist” “ESPO want the trainees to be able to document in their logbooks the fact that during their general training they have been shown to be competent in certain procedures involving the treatment of children “ “Part of the EBORL exam should be devoted to paediatrics topics”
Discussion of ESPO,s proposals