DEFINITION AAPL and ABFP Forensic psychiatry is a subspecialty of psychiatry in which scientific and clinical expertise is applied to legal issues in legal context embracing civil, criminal or legislative matters. Forensic psychiatry should be practiced in accordance with guidelines and ethical principles enunciated by the profession of psychiatry.
CRIMINAL ISSUES Criminal competencies To stand trial To waive Miranda warnings and make a statement To enter a plea and waive the right to an attorney To testify To be executed
CRIMINAL cont’d Criminal responsibility Dispositional recommendations NGRI GBMI Diminished capacity Dispositional recommendations Mental Health Court D & A Court Justice Related Services Diversion Treatment Plans Juvenile Court assessments
SPECIAL TREATMENT ISSUES Forensic outpatient when treatment is court mandated Sexual offender’s treatment Correctional psychiatry Risk assessment Forced medication In treating institutions In correctional facility To restore competency