Presented by Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos Accessible Voting Presented by Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos Beginning in August, Vermont will implement a new tablet based accessible voting system at every polling place. Allows for independent ballot marking and produces a marked ballot like all other voters. However, we know most voter’s with a disability vote from home during the absentee voting process, with assistance from a family member, health care provider, or friend. Voters with disabilities should not have to go to the polling place in order to mark their ballot without assistance. Secretary of State Jim Condos
Secretary of State Jim Condos OUR GOAL How do we provide the same accessible, independent, private ballot marking experience to voters voting from home during early voting? Polling Place COTS Ballot Marking Tablets Accessible Voter Information Accessible Absentee OUR SOLUTION Provide the same ballot marking interface, through a secure online process, so that voters with a disability can mark the ballot using their home devices and assistive technology, print their ballot, and mail it in from home. Voters with disabilities may request, receive, and mark their ballot online – then print their voted ballot for return by mail. NEXT STEPS With legislation, allow for electronic return of marked ballots, extend the availability of this service (the online ballot marking device) to all voters during early voting. Secretary of State Jim Condos