INFINITIVES in ENGLISH How do you know what is the infinitive in English? It’s super easy!
INFINITIVES in ENGLISH VERB INFINITIVE walk to walk eat to eat run to run think to think sleep to sleep move to move fight to fight go to go have to have am to be bring to bring
INFINITIVES in ENGLISH The infinitive has two parts: to + verb (we call that the base of the verb) to drive to do to play to see
LET’S PRACTICE Find the infinitive in these examples: He walked to the store. We go to church every Sunday. Jerry will fly to Spain tomorrow. Monica and Jenny have worked really hard. I wish school was over. Can you buy me an ice cream? Incidentally, I don’t really care. to walk to go to fly to work to wish to buy to care
NEGATIVES of the INFINITIVE to walk not to walk to drive not to drive to eat not to eat to be not to be to have not to have Forming the negative of an infinitive is really easy. Just add ‘not’ before the infinitive! Done!