Open House Schedule General Meeting in Gymnasium 6:15PM - 6:45 PM Period 1 7:00 PM 7:10 PM Period 2 7:15 PM 7:25 PM Period 3 7:30 PM 7:40 PM Period 4 7:45 PM 7:55 PM Period 5 8:00 PM 8:10 PM Period 6 8:15 PM 8:25 PM Zero/7 Period 8:30 PM 8:40 PM
Parents’ Night Presentation Mr. Knowles Inquiry Science -> Level 2 Please sign in….. Parents’ Night Presentation Integrated Inquiry Science MSHS Science Dept.
What we’re covering tonight Why was the Integrated Inquiry Program selected? What is inquiry science? What does it look like? Curriculum coverage Some useful resources for parents Elective science offerings
Why was this curriculum selected? Extensive review process Center for Inquiry Science BSCS curriculum highly regarded Educational Research shows the Inquiry Model increases: Retention Ownership High test scores Better understanding at university level
Level 2:Curriculum Coverage Science inquiry-> experimental design Plate tectonics/geologic time Biological Evolution Genetics Molecular Biology (DNA structure/function->protein synthesis) Population Growth Natural Resources & Sustainability
What is inquiry science? Asking questions about the world Increase curiosity and independent thought Ultimate goal: increase understanding of core science concepts and science practices
What does it look like? Standards based: aligned with state and Next Generation Science Standards Many hands-on activities Integration of physical, life and Earth science disciplines (mostly bio for now)
What is left out? Nothing All content that was covered in preparation for the Washington State end of course exam (EOC) is still covered at the same depth. The difference is that the content is covered over a two year period rather than a single year In fact the state EALRs are better represented in this curriculum than the previous 9th /10th grade curriculum More Biology is taught in the Inquiry Science classes 1 and 2 then was possible with our previous biology offering
Why Inquiry? Student-centered Much more personalized Much higher retention/ownership
NOT inquiry
Inquiry in action
5-E model of inquiry
EOC data
2013-2014 EOC
EOC SCORES 2012-2013 Level 4% Level 3% Level 2% Level 1% No Score% Level 4% Level 3% Level 2% Level 1% No Score% Pass% Bellevue 60 29.4 9.6 2.1 1.9 89.4 Mercer Island 70.8 17.9 3.5 0.3 7.5 88.7 MSHS 63.2 24.7 6.8 3.3 2 87.9 Tahoma 51.5 34.7 11.4 1.4 1 86.2 Lake Washington 56.9 29 9.5 2.6 85.9 Riverview 46.1 34.8 13.5 2.2 3.4 80.9 State Avg. 33.8 20.4 6 5.1 68.5 An 11% increase over the 2011-2012 EOC scores! These are our highest score to date and some of the highest pass rates in the state.
EOC SCORES 2013-2014 Level 4 % Level 3 % Level 2 % Level 1 % No Score % 2013/14 Pass % 2012/13 Mercer Island 67.3 26 2.2 0.2 3.3 94.1 88.7 MSHS 61 26.4 5.1 2.9 2.4 89.4 87.9 Lake Washington 55.1 32.5 6.6 2.7 2.1 88.4 85.9 Bellevue 57.7 26.8 7.5 3.4 3.1 85.8 Riverview 40.2 43.1 8.9 4.3 84.5 80.9 Tahoma 39.3 29.8 13.3 13.9 0.4 72.2 86.2 State Average 31 36.9 17.5 5.5 70.3 68.5
Class website (Weebly)
Grading Tests Daily Work Category % Description 60 % 40 % Formal and informal assessments including tests, quizzes, etc. There will be several formative and summative quizzes each chapter. Midterm, Finals are cumulative for the year. There are no “exam re-takes”. Formal Lab reports Projects Daily Work 40 % Classwork includes, but is not limited to: Discussion: Whole class, small group, and/or partner work Reading: Individual and partner reading, note-taking content and organization Homework: lab reports and In-class assignments Lab: proper procedure, preparation and cleanup Notebook, fully filled out, lab data present, all answers sufficiently supported (1 sentence or more)
Homework/reviewing: about 20-30 minutes (at least) per day. Should you expect to see your son/daughter doing homework for this class? Absolutely!! Homework/reviewing: about 20-30 minutes (at least) per day. What are they doing?- check their notebook….
Other Science offerings available after IIS1and IIS2 Oceanography Meteorology Astronomy (and college credit UW101 Astronomy) AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science AP Statistics Geology Chemistry Physics
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