Installing TABE PC Run TABE PC setup.exe file from the CD The software is installed to the default file location: C:\CTB\TABE32 Network install change the C: to X: (“X” represents the network drive letter) Has to be mapped to a drive letter Ensure that all users access the TABE PC share has administration rights to the share The username is the login to the registration system. (Set with first login) Select all applicable components TABE Form 9 and 10 TABE Algebra/Geometry TABE Science and Social Studies TABE WFS Program TABE Espanol Program Tutorial Prescriptive banks Contemporary and Steckvaughn automatically install with version 6.5 and higher 3.12
Login to Registration Enter “User Name” to log into the registration portion of TABE PC Reset User Name by deleting the TABESYS.IDX and TABESYS.DAT files. The user name entered on next login will be the new system user name. Only one instance of the registration program can be running at the same time. 3.16
Configuration Options > Configuration On\Off Options Display Report When student finishes the test it will provide them with a report of their results Access ILS System (Discontinued) There is an Online Lesson program called ILS-Lessons would be assigned to students based on their TABE results (like prescription reports) Mouse Active Scrambled Distractors Timer Export Percent Mastery new with 6.6 Click Export Percent Mastery ON to configure the ASCII export file to contain a percentage value of mastery for each objective. When Export Percent Mastery is OFF the ASCII export file contains a symbol of mastery (+,-, or P) for each objective. 3.39
Configuration Cont’ Prescription Bank Subtest Options Default location …\TABE32\Prescriptions The banks are automatically installed with version 6.5 and higher Click Prescriptive Bank, to select the bank you want to use for reporting Only one can be linked at a time Not available for CRT test Subtest Options Order subtests Include\Exclude subtests Registrations System Internet- Works with Web Registrations when administrators have internet access when registering students When you purchase web registrations you will receive a site code and password to enter into the configuration-Students don’t need internet access to take the test USB- Alternative for customers with web registrations who don’t have internet access when registering students
Modify UN, PW or Bookmark PW Options > Modify Username Change user login to registration Options > Modify Password Assign\change user password to login to registration Options > Bookmark Password Require student to enter password to bookmark test 3.40
Web Registrations The administrator would need internet access for this configuration if not they will need to use the USB solution option in next slides URL to access the web registration system management is Customers with multiple testing sites have access to their account to distribute purchased licenses to their testing sites or to add additional testing sites Manage>Sites Allows you to see how many licenses an account has and how many have been distributed to the sites Click on the Pencil next to the site allows you to confirm the site code and password being entered into the TABE PC Registration configuration Password minimum 8 characters Reports>Licenses Allows you to see when licenses were applied how many and how many have been requested for USB or used via web configuration
Setup for USB Flash Registrations Limitations with USB on Network “ it wasn’t intended to work with network installation” The programmer wasn’t aware that the product was used or supported on networks. The USB solution will work for customers using the network setup versus stand alone see limitations and what you need to know in order to make it work consistently Currently limited to work from the machine that initiated the installation of the software to the server, all register work has to be done from that same machine Request registration, load registrations and register students Students are not affected by this limitation Register student enter the student ID automatically gives you the function 0 failed on drive 0 your registration system is configured properly, you can ok and continue the student ID field isn’t pre populated requiring you to enter it again. USB Configuration is user profile specific written into registry under current user, so if you logged into the same computer under a different profile you wouldn’t see the previously loaded registrations Licenses loaded under one profile on the workstation can become corrupt if another profile on the same workstation attempt to view registrations or register a student it corrupts the registrations so that if you login as the correct profile you will no longer see the registrations that had been previously loaded
USB Configuration Setup Options Please select one of the two options listed below to manage the licenses for TABE PC and follow the instructions to load them for your specific configuration. Option 1 – Use Floppy disk or flash drive This is used when the computer with internet access is in another building or room and the computer with internet access is used as the web server Option 2 – Move and connect server to the Internet to obtain registrations and then return server to original offline location This is when you wish to save the registrations to the server
Moving Unused Registrations MOVING UNUSED REGISTRATION TOKENS FROM A WORKSTATION With a USB Flash drive On the TABE-PC Workstation you wish to move unused tokens to, go to the Options menu and click on Configuration. Select USB Drive as your Registration System, then click on Save. Go to the Options menu and click on USB Registrations and specify a name for this computer using the Set Computer Name command. Each TABE-PC workstation should have a unique name. Take the USB Drive and insert it into each TABE-PC Workstation where you want to load registration tokens. At each Workstation, go to the Options menu and click on USB Registrations, then select the Setup Request on Workstation command. After you specify the number of tokens, TABE-PC creates a TBR file on the USB Drive indicating how many tokens have been requested and which Workstation (identified by the computer name) made the request.
Moving Unused Registrations Cont’ Take the USB Drive and insert it into the TABE-PC Workstation where you want to remove unused registration tokens. Go to the Options menu and click on USB Registrations, then select the Process Request on Workstation command. After you specify the number of tokens, TABE-PC creates a TBR file on the USB Drive indicating how many tokens have been processed from which Workstation (identified by the computer name). Take the USB Drive and insert it into the Workstation requesting tokens. Go to the Options menu and click on USB Registrations, then select the Load Registrations on Workstation command. TABE-PC loads the registration tokens from the USB Drive to the Workstation.