The development of popular music and culture - Evaluate the development and impact of Jazz music; - Evaluate the impact of the radio and gramophone; - Describe the dancing and the speakeasy culture
Dancing, Radio and Jazz Using pages 36 of the white book & A3 sheet. Notes on significance of Radio & Gramophone – highlight key words and statistics.
Dancing, Radio and Jazz 36&37 of the white book & the A3 sheet. You are a club / dancehall owner and your task is to design a flyer advertising your club. Include type of music and dances, musicians that are playing and who you are appealing to.
What do you think of this? What do you think is going on?
What do you think of this? What do you think is going on?
The Sporty, the crazes and the just plain weird! Using 120-122 of the orange book and the pages on the VLE what was the significance of the following terms / people. Babe Ruth; Jack Dempsey; Gene Tunney; Charles Lindberg; Amelia Earhart; Gertrude Ederle Dance Marathons; Flagpole Sitting, Mah Jongg, Live Goldfish eating, tabloid newspapers, Crossword puzzles.