AGENDA Why We Love Working @ Ford My Story @ Ford Q & A Summer Intern @ Ford
2018 Ford Summer Intern Program 5.Relationships/ Experience Sharing What You Will Be Offered 2018 Ford Summer Intern Program 5.Relationships/ Experience Sharing Experience 實踐鍛鍊 Relationships 經驗交流 Formal Training 課堂培訓 Self-Study 自助學習 4. On the Job learning 3. Self-Study 2. Classroom Training Graduates who join Ford will be enrolled into Ford Graduate Program directly to start your career here. Ford started hiring fresh graduates in China since 2005. There has been over 700 students in China who joined Ford as a graduate trainee and now became a Ford professional or even a leader. After joining us, you will find there are so many people at Ford growing up from fresh graduates. Ford Graduate Program starts right after you sign the offer with the company. We have a Graduate Program team fully support you during the first two years when you join the company. There are 6 key stages in the whole program, including Pre-Arrival, On-boarding, formal training, self-study, relationship & network building and on-the-job experience. In each stage, there will be a lot of training and learning activities arranged for you. 1. Orientation
APPLY NOW! Diverse & Challenging Assignments Three Project Teams: What Are Your Opportunities Diverse & Challenging Assignments Our skill teams offer a wide variety of work experiences and career paths for all employees. Three Project Teams: Marketing, Sales & Service Manufacturing Human Resources This page is to introduce the functions on campus hiring in China: SH: Finance, HR, IT, MSS, PD, Purchasing NJ: PD, Manufacturing, Finance (Please emphasize that REC PD has a large number of openings for engineering background students. They are very encouraged to consider the job opportunity there rather than SH only. ) APPLY NOW!
5 / 7 前 請將CV及影片連結(權限須公開)寄至 What Are Your Opportunities CV+ 30-sec Video CV:呈現方式不限,越創意越有機會脫穎而出!最多不超過兩頁 30秒影片:請以 『Escort-看見真價值』為題 - 與我們分享妳/你最喜歡的Escort Feature及原因!將影片連結上傳至您個人Facebook並 #Ford x Campus 5 / 7 前 請將CV及影片連結(權限須公開)寄至 *郵件檔名格式: 2018 Summer Camp_姓名_學校_系所 +104 請以 『Escort-看見真價值』為題 - 與我們分享妳/你最喜歡的Escort Feature! Be clear about our recruiting process, read the 3 special remarks on top. Emphasis: Key dates Ask the students to pay attention to the interview notification to be sent by email and text message. 實習地點:美商福特六和汽車台灣總部 (桃園市中壢區中華路一段705號)
Together, we create tomorrow’s leaders, today. Join Us! NOW – May 7 CV Screen Online Application May 14 – May 18 Phone Interview Early June Group Interview Welcome to join Ford because we always believe Our people are the engine that fuels our passion, sparks our innovation and drives our business forward. Jul. – Aug. Intern Journey Mid June Job Offer Together, we create tomorrow’s leaders, today.
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2018 SUMMER INTERSHIP AT FORD LIO HO Together, We Create Tomorrow’s Leaders, Today 2018 SUMMER INTERSHIP AT FORD LIO HO