Dress Code Issues/Reminders: Shorts/Skirts – Mid-thigh in length (not fingertips) Spaghetti straps, tank tops not allowed Shirts/blouses should cover undergarments; we don’t want to see straps No athletic shorts – period! T-shirts/clothing should not have inappropriate words or references to sex, alcohol or drugs
Some Safety Issues: Only 4 doors unlocked/monitored before school Do Not let strangers in locked doors! They must enter through a monitored door. Think safety! Know the evacuation plan – students report to their advisory teachers on the field. Know what to do in other situations: Lockdown, Severe Weather Evacuation, etc.
Highland Park Middle School 2013-2014 A Respectful School Highland Park Middle School 2013-2014
Objectives Review school expectations about put- downs and bully prevention Understand how to build a respectful school climate
Respect (from the dictionary) Respect is… …showing high regard for an authority, other people, self and country …treating others as you would want to be treated …understanding that all people have value as human beings
No Put Down Policy From the Student Handbook (Agenda Book): Verbal or non-verbal negative expressions for the purpose of making someone feel inferior Put Downs are not tolerated Classroom Behavior – Teachers Domain Hallways/Cafeteria – can be a problem
Bullying – Definition: When a student or group of students engages in: Written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means or physical conduct that occurs: On school property, At a school sponsored or related event, Or in a vehicle operated by the school, And …
Bullying – Definition: The HPISD School Board or Administrators determines that the behavior: Has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing the student in reasonable fear of harm to person or property, or Is sufficiently severe, persistent and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment.
Bullying - Definition This conduct is considered bullying if it: Exploits an imbalance of power between the student engaging in bullying and the victim through written or verbal expression or physical conduct, and Interferes with a student’s education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school.
What is Bullying? Key Concepts: Written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means or physical conduct, Has the effect of causing physical harm, damaging property, or causing fear of harm, Is severe, persistent and pervasive enough that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment Exploits an imbalance of power, and Interferes with a student’s education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school.
Bullying Examples Verbal aggression Name calling Teasing Threatening Social aggression Spreading rumors Exclusion from a group Facebook Posts Instagram Physical aggression Hitting Kicking Destroying property Intimidation Graffiti Dirty tricks Note writing Texting
Cyber-Bullying Use of an electronic communication device(s) to engage in bullying or to threaten students, teachers, volunteers, etc. Includes posts, texts, messages, Instagram, etc., that are harassing, threatening, obscene or damaging someone’s reputation.
Cyber-Bullying Actions occur on or off school property Key phrase: “Interferes with a student’s education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school.” Thus it creates an intimidating or threatening environment.
Cyber-Safety Remember: When you post something or hit “Send,” it is Public and Permanent! Pictures, FB posts, etc. Think before you “Send!”
Reporting Bullying Bullying is not tolerated by the district and any student or parent who believes that a student has experienced bullying or that a student has engaged in bullying is encouraged to immediately report the incident. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of district policy and is prohibited. Students or parents may report an alleged incident of bullying, orally or in writing, to a teacher, counselor, principal or other district employee. More information about the district’s bullying policy can be found in the campus administration office or school board policies FFI(LEGAL) and FFI(LOCAL) at www.hpisd.org.
Sexual Harassment Comments or actions of a sexual nature which are unwelcome and make the recipient uncomfortable Coerced, unethical, and unwanted intimacy Comments or actions are repetitive; creating an intimidating/threatening environment
Sexual Harassment Examples Rude sounds Whistling suggestively Jokes about sex Gestures Graffiti Unwelcome physical contact
Have you ever been a… ? (Please don’t raise your hand!) Victim or Target Bully Bystander
What is a bystander? Not actively involved as a bully or target Remain silent or inactive when bullying occurs Aware of bullying, but unable or unwilling to take action
Why do people “stand by”? Don’t know what to do Afraid of retaliation Afraid to make the situation worse
Consequences for bystanders: How does the bystander feel? Anxiety and guilt Loss of self-respect and self-confidence Desensitized to negative behaviors, diminished empathy for others
Be A Courageous Bystander! Don’t be part of the “Silent Majority” All it takes sometimes is ONE PERSON Take responsibility for creating safe and respectful school “Lend A Hand” to the Target (an acronym/things to do to help the victim)
Courageous Bystander: Let bully know it’s not okay (Show) Empathy to the Target Never bully back Distract the bully – make conversation with the bully
Courageous Bystander Ask an adult for help Hang out with the target; let them know you care Ask the target to join your group
Courageous Bystander Never cheer the bully on, laugh, encourage or stand around and watch Don’t ignore the bullying; it will only get worse “Lend A Hand”
If you’re bullied: “Take a Stand” An acronym for the target/things he/she can do: Tell an adult – parent, teacher, counselor, administrator Agree with the bully - use sarcasm: “Thank you; Thanks for sharing” Keep friends close; walking the halls Emotions – share, don’t bully back
If bullied or targeted.……. Avoid the bully – walk a different route Stand up for yourself – “Leave me alone; Stop making fun of me; That’s not funny.” Talk to someone about how you feel – Counselor, safe adult, friends, parents
If bullied or targeted…….. Ask the bully questions – “Why are you doing that?” Never bully back – but be assertive Don’t show fear – but show that you can be confident/assertive
Don’t be a victim… Don’t laugh it off if it offends you. This sends the wrong message. Don’t hesitate to tell your teacher, counselor, principal, and/or parents. Don’t ignore the situation. This can lead to a cycle of ongoing harassment and victimization. Harassment is not your fault!
Our Goal – To Build A Respectful School Respect between peers Respect between students and teachers Respect for our school traditions