The Civil War Through The Eyes of Four Generals Robert E. Lee "Stonewall" Jackson Joshua L. Chamberlain Winfield S. Hancock
Four Generals: General Allegiance Prior Profession Key Battle Robert E. Lee Confederacy U.S. Army Colonel Fredericksburg T. J. Jackson V.M.I. Professor Bull Run J. L. Chamberlain Union College Professor "Win" Hancock U.S. Army Captain Chancellorsville
Gen. Robert E. Lee, C.S.A. 32 years in U.S. Army A Virginian Torn between duty to nation or to state Resigns to command Confederate Army
Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson, C.S.A. Professor at V.M.I. A Virginian Devout Christian Suffered many personal tragedies
Gen. Joshua Chamberlain, U.S.A. Professor at Bowdoin College No prior military experience Restless, craves adventure Proves himself in combat
Gen. "Win" Hancock, U.S.A. Captain in U.S. Army Stationed out West before the war Frustrated by poor Union generals Quickly advances in rank
Gods and Generals A Civil War novel by Jeff Shaara Based on years of historical research Brings historical figures to life Also an epic Hollywood film