Sarah Kambou share following old photographs…. Cheenu, greetings! At long last, I am in a position to contribute to your wonderful work documenting CARE’s work across the world. Please find above four photos taken between 1991 and 1993 when I was with CARE International in Togo working on the USAID-funded Population and Family Planning Project, which includes a rare shot of a CARE global team meeting. And the last photo was taken circa 1998 at the Internally Displaced Persons camp in Somaliland with CARE International in Somalia. We were conducting a rapid appraisal of reproductive health needs. Such great memories, and such important work! With thanks for all that you do, and very best wishes, Sarah Sarah Degnan Kambou President International Center for Research on Women 1120 20th Street, NW Suite 500 N Washington, DC 20036 USA Direct line: +1 202 742 1264 Executive Assistant: +1 202 742 1251 Cell: +1 202 725 2970 Follow me @SarahDKambou Joine me on LinkedIn Sarah Kambou share following old photographs….
Photo courtesy - Sarah Kambou
Photo courtesy - Sarah Kambou
Photo courtesy - Sarah Kambou
Photo courtesy - Sarah Kambou
Photo courtesy - Sarah Kambou
Photo courtesy - Ramchandra Wala
Photo courtesy - Ramchandra Wala