2012-2013 HOSA Update
2012-2013 TN HOSA State Officer Team
2012-2013 TN HOSA State Officer Team’s Philosophy of Leadership We believe that leadership is acting with integrity, serving with humility, and progressing with innovation. It is committing to represent the members of HOSA positively by empowering others and building strong relationships resulting in personal growth.
Program of Work
Build stronger personal relationships with members and advisors Reorganize information tabs on TN HOSA website (For Adults, For Students, What is HOSA, Conferences & Events, Leaderships, News Add a Blog to TN HOSA Website Use social media to promote website and website updates Create Council of Chapter Presidents to meet at National Conference, Fall Leadership, and State Conference Chapter visits (when necessary to requested)
Increase Middle School participation Creation of 3 year Middle School Involvement Program Phase 1: Volunteering at a middle school Adopting/Mentoring HOSA chapter Creation of standalone HOSA chapter State Officers will work with their high school chapters to pilot Phase 1 of the Middle School Involvement Program in their feeder middle school.
Educate existing & potential HOSA members on competitive events Advertise new event and guidelines on HOSA website Create presentation for promoting new event at Fall Leadership Competition Educate students and advisors about new competitive event at Fall Leadership
It’s coming, we promise…. Calendar of Events It’s coming, we promise….
Updated TN HOSA Website http://www.tennesseehosa.org Check the website weekly for new & updated information!