Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Gary Cathey Division Chief
Aeronautics Organizational Chart Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Aeronautics Functional Organizational Chart Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Hot Topics Aeronautics Budget Aviation Legislation & Legal Wildlife Strike Information Land Use Case Aeronautics Newsletter & Airports DVD 2002 CALUP Handbook being updated Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Hot Topics Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) Noise Variance program CIP going to CTC in October for approval Current Events Q & A A fundamental restructuring of the way air traffic is managed. Makes the following critical transitions: From ground-based to satellite-based navigation and surveillance From voice communication to digital data exchange From fragmented weather depiction and forecasting to a system that uses a single, authoritative source From constrained system capacity to enhanced, sustainable, safe traffic flow that is not impacted by adverse weather or difficult terrain The centerpiece of the system is Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B); digital electronic equipment that provides precise situational awareness for pilots and air traffic controllers Projects in California ADS-B – Los Angeles and Oakland are scheduled to be completed by June 2010 Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures (ATOP) – A prototype facility is operational in Oakland Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA’s) – Operational at LAX and SFO Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) – None so far in CA, FAA POC in Washington DC is Pete Getz (405) 954-4919 Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Aeronautics Budget FY 2009-10 Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Adopted July 28, 2009 Transfers $4M to General Fund Suspends: Annual Credits AIP Matching A&D Grants Existing Grants approved prior to this date will be honored. Certification of Eligibility DOA-0007 is still required for FY 2009-10. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Aeronautics Funding Projection Caltrans Division of Aeronautics REVENUE EXPENSES 2008/09 FY 2009/10 FY Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
State Dollars for your Airport Caltrans Division of Aeronautics State Dollars for Your Airport is on our website. This publication is for airport managers, sponsoring agencies, and ALUCs to better understand the funding programs available. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Airport Loan Program Loan Funds are still available on a first come, first served basis. Eligibility Cities, counties, and airport districts. Most projects that benefit the airport are eligible, especially revenue-generating. Local Match for AIP is eligible. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Airport Loan Program Loan Approval Considerations Economic feasibility is a major factor in the approval of loans for revenue-generating projects such as hangars and fueling facilities. Sponsor’s overall financial status is considered. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Airport Loan Program Three to four month process. Submit complete application to Department. Department conducts public and internal hearings. Loan agreement is prepared by Department. Department of General Services (DGS) reviews and approves. State Controller’s Office (SCO) prepares loan disbursement. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Airport Loan Process First payment on loan is due one year from the date the warrant was issued by State Controllers Office. Loan terms vary from 8 to 17 years. Simple interest is charged. Current rate: 5.8329%. Loans are subject to audit. Submit application to Department: htmlfile/grants-loans.php Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Additional Loan Information Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Periodically, check our website for updates on Annual Credits and AIP Matching such as timing and availability of funds: and click on the “Grants and Loan” tab. Detailed program information and forms are all on the website. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
State Aviation Legislation Caltrans Division of Aeronautics State aviation legislation report on our website Provide bill analysis for CT management. SB 481-Senator Cox - aligns State law with US F&W Permits. On Gov’s desk. ABX4 10- $4M Transfer to GF. All grant programs suspended for FY 09/10. SB 737-Senator McLeod - Requires all ALUCs be the same. This bill may be taken up in second year of session. SB 481, Senator Cox-Fair Oaks, District 01 (Airports: wildlife) This bill would protect airport officials from state sanctions for actions taken in accordance with certain U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permits. The Latest – 8/20/09 Bill passed its second Senate floor vote today and is now headed to the Governor for his approval or veto. ABX4 10, Committee on Budget, Transportation This budget trailer bill became law on July 28, 2009. Section 3 of the bill adds language to the Aeronautics Act in the Public Utilities Code directing a transfer of $4.0 million from the Aeronautics Account to the General Fund and suspension of the Division’s authority to issue new Annual Credit Grants, Acquisition & Development funds, and AIP Local Match for fiscal year 2009/2010. SB 737, Senator Negrete McLeod-Chino, District 32 (Airports: airport land use commissions) This bill would delete some sections of airport land use law leaving fewer options for counties to establish an airport land use commission (ALUC). Some counties would be required to establish a new, so-called single-entity airport land use commission or designate an established planning body for airport planning responsibilities. No county would be exempt from the airport land use requirements. The Latest: - 6/2/09 This bill failed to pass out of the Senate and is therefore dead for at least this first year of the two-year session. It is possible for the bill to make progress if changes are made to it early next year. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Wildlife Strike Information Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Depredation Permit form 37 Wildlife Hazardous Assessment for Part 139 Dennis Orthmeyer, USDA, Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service FAA "Airport Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Home page" at: Aeronautics POC: Sandy Hesnard Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Land Use Case Citizens v. San Luis Obispo - Initiative trumps Aeronautics Act, ALUC The Second Appellate Court issued a decision on August 4, 2009 invalidating a January 31, 2008 writ of mandate from the San Luis Obispo trial court to permit a 131-acre mixed use development near the San Luis Obispo airport. This decision has significant negative implications on the State Aeronautics Act and the powers and duties of Airport Land Use Commissions. Summary from the official decision filed 8/4/9 in appellate court: “The voters of the County of San Luis Obispo adopted an initiative measure amending a county's general plan and zoning regulations to permit a 131-acre mixed use development near a county airport. A citizens group filed a petition for writ of mandate in the superior court contending the SAA establishes a comprehensive system of land use regulation near airports which precludes use of the initiative power. The trial court issued a writ of mandate invalidating the initiative and prohibiting its enforcement. In its ruling, the trial court found that the SAA preempted the field and provided the only means for land use regulation within the area subject to commission authority. Therefore the power of the initiative could not be used. The trial court also found the initiative invalid because its subject matter was "adjudicative" in nature, as opposed to "legislative.“ On appeal, the proponents of the initiative, the owner and the developer of the property, contend the initiative is within the power of the electorate, is legislative in its nature, lawfully amends the County's general plan and is not preempted by the SAA. We agree and reverse.” Voters change GP in SLO by initiative Original case: State Aeronautics Act precludes voter initiative Trial court issued a writ of mandate Appellate Court overturned Trial Court and claims GP change by initiative is not preempted by State Aeronautics Act Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics CALAERO Newsletter New quarterly Aero publication First edition published April 2009 Past and current editions available online at: Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
General Aviation Video Caltrans Division of Aeronautics CALIFORNIA’S GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORTS: LINKS TO VITALITY On our Website Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics 2010 CALUP Handbook Update Key Objectives: Update for changes in law and regulation Update accident data and revise discussion of risk and safety zones Additional guidance on infill development Provide more “self help” and templates for ALUC staff and commissioners, particularly for small jurisdictions Incorporate additional guidance for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) compliance Provide information on NextGen and implications for future airport land use compatibility planning These are some of the highlights included in the scope of work fo r the 2010 Handbook Update. There will be more outreach and stakeholder input then last time. It’s important to update the Handbook to make it consistent with changes to the PUC and FAA Regs. Updating the accident data is a necessary thing to make the information in the Handbook useful. The safety zones are based on accident data. Clarification on Zone 1 and the correct size to be used for the safety zone maps required in an Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan. There will be a DVD training tool created. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics 2010 CALUP Handbook Update Provide “train the trainer” materials on 2010 Update for Caltrans staff Enhanced public participation in the form of a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), three public meetings (dispersed throughout the state), and online review FAQs: FAA grant being used - $320,000 Work has begun by consultant team led by ESA TAC has been organized and met once (8/18) Due to finish December 2010 Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Next Generation Plan Projects in California: ADS-B – Los Angeles and Oakland are scheduled to be completed by June 2010 Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures (ATOP) – A prototype facility is operational in Oakland Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) – at LAX Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA’s) – Operational at LAX and SFO A fundamental restructuring of the way air traffic is managed. Makes the following critical transitions: From ground-based to satellite-based navigation and surveillance From voice communication to digital data exchange From fragmented weather depiction and forecasting to a system that uses a single, authoritative source From constrained system capacity to enhanced, sustainable, safe traffic flow that is not impacted by adverse weather or difficult terrain Enhances safety, capacity & efficiency – and has positive environmental benefits The centerpiece of the system is Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B); digital electronic equipment that provides precise situational awareness for pilots and air traffic controllers Projects in California: ADS-B – Los Angeles and Oakland are scheduled to be completed by June 2010 Advanced Technologies and Oceanic Procedures (ATOP) – A prototype facility is operational in Oakland Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Model X (ASDE-X) Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA’s) – Operational at LAX and SFO Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) – None so far in CA, FAA POC in Washington DC is Pete Getz (405) 954-4919 Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Noise Issues Due to economic recession, aircraft noise contours are shrinking, in general. We must remain mindful that as the economy rebounds, so will aircraft noise. Local planners must resist any temptation to allow new noise sensitive land uses to build up to these temporarily reduced aircraft noise contours. Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics CIP Timeline CIP approved by TACA on Aug 19, 2009. Will go to CTC for Info item in October and for Approval in November. Will be posted on website in November 2009 A project must be in the CIP to be eligible for matching grant funding The CIP is a 5-10 year projection of airport project needs done every other ODD year-August 2009 The Aeronautics (Aero) Program is a 3-Year Program done every other EVEN year-June 2010 OTS administers Acquisition and Development (A&D) grants based on the Aero Program AB X4 10 Suspended new grants for FY 09/10 Existing grants that have been approved prior to July 28, 2009 will be honored. A project must be in the CIP to be eligible for matching grant funding. Posted on our website – November 2009 Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Current Events Capitol Airshow 12-13 SEP 09 – Sacramento, CA NASAO Conference 13-16 SEP 09 – Phoenix, AZ Reno Air Races 16-20 SEP 09 AASHTO Aviation Subcommittee 22-23 OCT 09 – Palm Desert, CA Caltrans Division of Aeronautics
Caltrans Division of Aeronautics Thank you! Questions and Answers? Please visit the Aeronautics website at: Caltrans Division of Aeronautics