Introduction Hi, I’m Kathleen May and this narrative follows Charles Ficke and the mystery surrounding his collection of books, currently being housed in Special Collections of the library. I’m talking to two librarians with a special interest in Charles Ficke and his collection. The intriguing books tell a story of Ficke’s travels and provide clues to how these books came to be at the University of Iowa.
Uncovering History Educates us about the present Stronger connection to our ancestors Identifying with one of his stories Taking advantage of access to unique resources the library provides
Works Cited Book with Drawing of a Ship, Special Collections, University of Iowa Main Library. Personal photograph by author. 2016. Fifield, John. "Graduate Research Assistant Interview." Personal interview. 2 Dec. 2016. Japanese Book of Memoirs, Special Collections, University of Iowa Main Library. Personal photograph by author. 2016. Manuscript Road Trip. Digital image. Manuscript Road Trip: An Old Friend in Iowa. Medieval Manuscripts in the United States, 22 Nov. 2013. Web. 3 Dec. 2016. Old Book Brand, Special Collections, University of Iowa Main Library. Personal photograph by author. 2016. Old Colorful Book, Special Collections, University of Iowa Main Library. Personal photograph by author. 2016. Old Mexican Book, Special Collections, University of Iowa Main Library. Personal photograph by author. 2016. Palm Leaf Book, Special Collections, University of Iowa Main Library. Personal photograph by author. 2016. Theisen, Colleen. "Outreach and Engagement Librarian Interview." Personal interview. 2 Dec. 2016.