First Meeting: September 2017 Leo’s Club First Meeting: September 2017 Divya, Introduce Officers
The Club LEO: leadership, experience, opportunity International club Youth Involvement Serve others Maddie
Meetings Regular Meetings: Wednesday after school @ LGI Once a month Make-up meetings: Tuesday mornings (before regular meeting) Life Skills Room Missing Meetings: Schedules for sports/fine arts (send to Divya) Text the Remind when absent Jonathan
Events September: Keep Pearland Beautiful October: Movie Night at Lion’s Club + Flock Party November: Game Night and Spa Day December: Christmas Movie Night at Lion’s Club January: Lion’s Club/Rotary Winter Dance February: Valentine’s Day Bags March: Food Bank + Keep Pearland Beautiful Street Clean-Up April: Easter Egg Hunt May: 3rd Annual Leo’s Dance Evelyn: don’t say each event, say “we will have about 1 event each month… it’s plenty of opportunity to get to know life skills classmates”
Point System and Expectations 1st Semester: 5 main events: 2 points each 4 meetings: 1 point each Additional events: 1 point each Required: 5 points 2nd Semester: Leo’s dance: 4 points Elections: 3 points Required: 7 points Divya: we are testing the waters with this. this is something you should not have to pay attention to. As long as you attend events and meetings, you will be fine. This is just a way to identify inactive members that do not want to participate in the club. We are not emphasizing this. This isn’t punishment; it’s simply a way officers can see which members are truly dedicated and which members we need to encourage. Remember the entire point of this club is to serve others, so we do not want to prevent you from serving others by establishing a difficult, strenuous point system. If you look at how much is required of you, it’s really not much.
Website URL Leo’s website: Social media: Twitter: @LeosClubDawson Forms on the website Membership application, permission form, dance committee application, hour sheet, t-shirt form Due October meeting Morgan and Rhea
Remind Code Text @dawsonleos to 81010 Morgan and Rhea