INDUCE Project Presentation Name DD MMMM YYYY Towards a Sustainable Agro-Food Industry. Capacity Building Programmes in Energy Efficiency. This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Coordination Support Action under Grant Agreement No.785047.
Content Topic About the Project Workpackages Consortium Objectives Methodology Approach Replication Strategy Workpackages Consortium
Coordination and Support Action, 30 months 1. Topics EE-15-2017 Increasing capacities for actual implementation of energy efficiency measures in industry and services Coordination and Support Action, 30 months Official Start: 01/02/2018 Grant Agreement No.785047 Coordinator: CIRCE Foundation (Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos)
2. About the project INDUCE will develop an open access platform (INDUCE toolkit) with training material, online lessons, guidelines and tools for companies aiming to increase their energy efficiency. INDUCE methodology based on the objective of designing a specific capacity building programme for every company accessing INDUCE toolkit INDUCE will link knowledge transfer on energy efficiency with behavioural and organizational change models, leading to an energy culture and an environment conducive for change are established in the company The aim of this project is to boost the efficiency of capacity building programmes with a focus in the agro-food sector. INDUCE will develop and validate a methodology for the implementation of ad-hoc training courses and interventions that align the motivation of the involved actors (employees and decision-makers) including: To increase knowledge about energy efficiency measures and their benefits; To improve attitudes about the importance of energy efficiency measures; To build and strengthen skills related to efficient energy or environmental management; To achieve an energy efficient behavior; To tailor courses to the organizational culture.
2. About the project Background: The INDUCE project will deliver a methodology for the implementation of capacity building programmes in energy efficiency based on a Human-Centered Design approach, leading to the ad-hoc design of training courses and interventions that align the motivation of involved actors with an energy efficiency culture. INDUCE will implement this methodology in 15 pilot and 300 replication companies from the F&B and agro-food sector, which will allow a behaviour change behaviour change in up to 5.355 employees implementation of at least 400 effective energy efficiency measures, thus leveraging a potential for energy savings of about 106 GWh/year.
2. About the project: Objectives 1/2 Goal 1: To develop through Human-Centered Design approach an adaptable methodology for the design and implementation of capacity building programmes. Goal 2: To identify general needs, requirements and motivations in the F&B and agro-food sector as well as best practices and transfer them to the project’s audience. Goal 3: To define interventions, adapt tools and produce guidelines that will be made available to an audience of over 15.000 companies and 100.000 stakeholders to increase their capabilities in implementing energy efficiency. Goal 4: To unlock the implementation of more than 400 measures on energy efficiency, leveraging a potential for energy savings up to 106 GWh/year through the provision of ad-hoc recommendations and behaviour change. Use the menu "insert" to edit your footer line here
2. About the project: Objectives 2/2 Goal 5: To establish changes in the mind-set of all actors in the companies for the inclusion of energy efficiency. Goal 6: To create INDUCE community of trainers for the implementation of INDUCE methodology in at least 300 companies within Spain, France, The Netherlands and Germany. Goal 7: To make available the capacity building programmes and other results developed in the project through INDUCE platform and by the definition of business plans adapted to the products and partners of the consortium. Goal 8: To influence national programmes and correct existing barriers for the implementation of INDUCE interventions and training for the F&B and agro-food sector. Use the menu "insert" to edit your footer line here
2. About the project: Definitions 1/2 Capacity building programme in energy efficiency: A systematic and integrated approach to develop and continuously improve organizational and individual competences and capabilities necessary for improving the energy efficiency of a company. Training courses: Set of lessons, co-creation sessions, workshops and meetings balancing technical (understand and control energy use), organizational (management commitment, resources and planning) and cultural (people’s motivations and behaviour) issues and targeting all actors in the company so they are trained in putting energy efficiency issues in the focus. Interventions: Specific activities carried out at the companies in order to assist employees in the identification and implementation of energy efficiency measures and/or in managing change towards an energy efficient organization. Depending on the intervention, activities can be done by experts/consultants and by using INDUCE’s tools. INDUCE tools: Software solutions that will be integrated in INDUCE toolkit for, e.g. energy self-assessments, communicating on energy issues or assessing purchases, and therefore will be used as part of the interventions. Use the menu "insert" to edit your footer line here
2. About the project: Definitions 2/2 INDUCE methodology: The approach taken in this project to develop ad-hoc training courses and interventions following a Human-Centered Design approach to empower all the relevant actors to develop energy efficient behaviour in a tailor-made way. Ad-hoc development: Instead of generic solutions, INDUCE will develop specific training tailored to the current situation of each company, taking into account relevant aspects such as their needs, structure, network and organizational culture, thus resulting in unique capacity building programmes for each company. Design thinking or Human-Centered Design approach: Method that can be applied to societal questions to which the solution is not obvious and requires innovation. It emphasizes creativity in addition to analytic thinking. Instead of aiming at a first-time right solution and avoiding mistakes, the method challenges users to experiment, make mistakes, build quick prototypes, test, and improve iteratively before implementing. INDUCE Toolkit: Open access platform designed within INDUCE to gather all the results, documents, tools as well as INDUCE methodology in order to make them available to the public. Use the menu "insert" to edit your footer line here
2. About the project: Approach Use the menu "insert" to edit your footer line here
2. About the project: Replication Strategy Use the menu "insert" to edit your footer line here
3. Project Structure: Workpackages
Participant legal name Participant short name 4. The INDUCE Consortium Part. No. Participant legal name Participant short name Countr y Organisation type 1 (Coord) CIRCE – Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos CIRCE ES RTD 2 Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands ECN NL 3 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Angewandten Forschung E.V. FhISI DE 4 Spanish Food and Drink Industry Federation FIAB Association 5 Federatie Nederlandse Levensmiddelen Industrie FNLI 6 Food-Processing Initiative e.V. FPI 7 Association de Coordination Technique pour l’Industrie Agro-alimentaire ACTIA FR 8 KWA Bedrijfsadviseurs B.V. KWA SME 9 Ökotec energiemanagement GmbH ÖKOTEC Large company 10 SYNYO GmbH SYNYO AT
4. The INDUCE Consortium: geographical coverage
Thanks For Your Attention! This project has received funding from the European Union’s H2020 Coordination Support Action under Grant Agreement No.785047.