E-procurement and SME Inclusion the Harlow Perspective East of England Regional Workshop 3rd November 2003
tcomber@hcbs.co.uk HCBS
Working in Partnership The core partners for Region Network HCBS
Partnership Commitment to e-business Support from East England Development Agency Assistance of Essex County Council Working with Business Link for Essex Engaged with the National e-Procurement Project Develop supplier solution with Harlow District Council HCBS
Supplier Adoption and Economic Development National e-Procurement Programme Guidelines for Local Authorities Supplier Adoption and Economic Development Practical Steps to Successful Supplier Adoption Identified key steps include Develop a supplier strategy Carry out an assessment of supplier value and e-readiness Communicate with your Suppliers Put in place a supplier development programme HCBS
Distribution of Businesses 92.8% Vital to recognise the contribution of the Micro and Smaller Business to the local economy HCBS
SURVEY OF BUSINESS SMALL COMMUNITY Determine Level of e-Readiness. Use of PC in the workplace Use of e-commerce in business HCBS
Determine Level of e-Readiness. What do you use Internet for ? HCBS
Determine Level of e-Readiness. Type of connection Do you have in house skills to develop e-commerce HCBS
Ladder of e-enablement (UK online for Business) LEVEL 3 e-ordering: receives orders electronically; method of customer authentication is in place; information is exchanged electronically; have broadband etc… LEVEL 2 e-marketing: has own web site; has a web services catalogue; information and services are up to date; basic competence in IT is demonstrated etc… LEVEL 1: (basic) Access to Internet: SME is able to access the Internet via dial-up or cable modem; or Broadband (5 pts) Access to email: SME has an email capability with any Internet Service Provider (ISP) - (5 pts) HCBS
Progression on Ladder of e-enablement LEVEL 4 to 5 Fully integrated into business; online tracking of orders, issues electronic invoices; adequate security Supplier Development Programme Awareness Participation Commitment Key suppliers National e-Procurement Programme Guidelines for Local Authorities HCBS
Supplier Development Programme Awareness 1. Engagement with the wider business community Promotion & Public Relation Open access e-Business Development Programmes Business Mentors and Advisors 2. Communication with the Council existing suppliers Suppliers respond to dialog with their customer Communication need to be clear and uncluttered Don’t underestimate time and effort required HCBS
What are we doing to help Participation from wider business community With support from BL4E promoting a series of workshops for Small Businesses. The Electronic Market Place Developing e-business capacity Getting the best from your web site Supported by workshops concerned with Tendering for Public Service Contracts Doing business with Government and Local Authorities HCBS
What are we doing to help Participation from existing suppliers Working with Harlow District Council Regeneration Unit in support of supplier recruitment. Approved Supplier list outsource to Exor. Working with BL4E to facilitate training Developing e-business workshops for council suppliers. Supported by workshops concerned with Working with your local authority Doing business with Harlow District Council Meeting supplier adoption criteria Requirements of Policy and Procedures (H&S etc) HCBS
Harlow District Council An early adopter of e-procurement Effective application of E-CARDS property services goods and services Actively working with Exor - Sinclair Supplier Directory Construction and Property Service. Currently expanding to all areas of procurement. Participant in the Essex LA Market Place - I&DeA HCBS
Helping Businesses Prosper Contact: Tony Comber 01279 451299