Poster title (bold, centered) When choosing the font size please keep in mind that the title should fit in the bounderies of the text box) Initial. Surname of the poster authors (bold, centered) Institution name, Adress, Country (centered) GUIDELINES AND INSTRUCTIONS - POSTERS Each presenter should bring their poster on a single sheet of paper/plastic in B1 size (100cm x 70cm), in vertical format. Each poster has an assigned number and must be mounted on the appropriate board with the corresponding number. The poster number will be available on the poster handout which will be given out at the registration desk during the Congress. All the materials necessary for attaching the posters to the boards will be available at the facility desk in the poster area. In addition, assistants will be present on site to help with both setting up and taking down of the posters. Congress logo The Congress logo has to be present in the upper left corner of each poster. It’s size and placement cannot be altered. The logo is available to download in different formats at the Congress website at: The size of the logo is set to: 130 mm in height Placement: 24 mm from the left border and 22 mm from the top border. Text While choosing font type, size and color, please keep in mind that all the information present on the poster has to be legible. Images Please make sure that the images have sufficient size, that they have good quality and are proportional. There is no set size for the included images. Examples of bad quality (on the left) and good quality images (on the right). Please remember that any numbers or text that is present on the pictures of figures has to be legible. Please choose the font type and size accordingly. Tables There is no set style, but please keep in mind that table contents have to legible, in terms of used font size, style and color. Examples of too small font (on the left) and legible font size (on the right). Content Content