Genetics Vocabulary You will be using this vocabulary to complete the “project board assignment”
Physical traits; physical appearance What you can see with your eyes Phenotype Physical traits; physical appearance What you can see with your eyes
Genotypes What is expressed on the gene; genetic combinations Genes are on chromosomes (created in protein synthesis) Represented by the two letters in each box of a Punnett square
Allele Type of gene; form of a gene Each individual letter is an allele Example: Gene: Hair Color Gene: Flower Color Alleles: Alleles: Brown Purple Blonde White Black Pink Red
Dominant Powerful, strong, overshadows the recessive allele We represent dominant alleles with a capital letter
Recessive Weak, easily masked(covered up); not seen when a dominant allele is present We represent recessive alleles with lower case letters
Homozygous Homo = same Same alleles Ex. BB, HH, aa, kk, gg
Heterozygous Hetero = different Different alleles Bb, Gg, Ff. Tt