Recovery and Mental Health Patient Experience and Recovery Team Mark Hillier Katy Chachou Anne Pledger Akilah Duffus
How do you look after your wellbeing? Ice breaker – get into pairs for 5 minutes, then do as a group feedback – flip chart (if available) Handouts: CHIME / 5 ways to wellbeing
What is Recovery? At its heart, personal recovery is a set of values about a person’s right to build a meaningful life for themselves, with or without the continuing presence of mental health symptoms. In recent years users of mental health services have identified three overarching principles to support better outcomes for themselves which are…… Living a full and satisfying life in the presence or absence of symptoms
What is Recovery?..... the continuing presence of ‘hope’ in the possibility to pursue personal goals and ambitions the need for service users to maintain a sense of ‘control’ through empowerment and self-determination having the ‘opportunity’ to build a life beyond mental illness
Katy’s journey Q&A – open to the group
Recovery College Recovery College is built on the belief that learning together makes us stronger and supports our recovery Co-Production: our sessions are facilitated by individuals who have lived experience of challenges in their own mental health (Experts by Experience), healthcare professionals and carers Discuss the range of sessions that are currently available
Activity Dementia Friends activity
ReQoL ReQoL is a recovery outcome measure that was commissioned by the Department of Health and was developed by Sheffield University Two versions: 10 questions/20 questions that ask individuals to reflect on their thoughts, feelings and activities over the last week Handout – ask delegates to self-reflect
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