WG 2.B Integrated River Basin Management Progress Report Strategic and Coordination Group Meeting Brussels 15th March 2004
WG 2B Main activities Economics (2 Drafting Groups) Pilot River Basins Exercise Preparation of River Basin Management plans and Program of Measures
Economic Activities Integration of economics in horizontal issues Production of fact sheets providing practical advice for Article 5 requirements about thye economic analysis. Addressing Methodological Economic Issues Focussed in defining environmental and resource costs and associated methods of evaluation.
Pilot River Basin Exercise Work focussed in the reporting commitments included in Article 5 A huge work has been done by some PRBs Pilot River Basin Outcome report is presented at this SCG Discussion about the so called Phase 2 ( follow up of the activities of the group in 2005/2006)
River Basin management Plans and/or Programmes of measures under the WFD Common Implementation Strategy Water Directors in Rome invited the IRBM WG 2B to present a mandate for the activity on the basis of the outcome of the discussions of SCG meeting of 2728 October. A new “Activity sheet” has been produced and circulated in the group. After comments it is presented to this SCG for discussion
Meetings (Since last SCG, 2728 October)
FURTHER STEPS Tentatively, next plenary meetings of WG 2B are Madrid, 22-23 April 2004 and Brussels, beginning of October 2004. Eco and PRB follow up After conclusions of this SCG, PoMs tentatively will start its activities
Preparation of Program of measures Why this activity was originally included in the work programme of WG 2B ? Because PoM is a key element of the WFD that involves complex issues for which there is a need of clarification.
Preparation of Program of measures PoM is a key element of the WFD... Implementation of PoM is the most important mechanism for achieving the environmental objectives. Integrated River Basin Management needs a sound planning process and, thus a sound program of measures.
Preparation of Program of measures ...that involves complex issues... Article 9 (Measures deemed appropriate for the recovery of the costs of water services) Article 10 (Combined approach) Article 11 (Measures to promote an efficient and sustainable water use, measures to safeguerding sources of drinking water, controls on abstraction, etc) Key word: Integration
Preparation of Program of measures ...for which there is a need of clarification. To define potential measures To analise the cost effectiveness of potential measures To set up a cost effective programme of measures
Preparation of Program of measures Program of measures has to be: Overview available for public participation by end 2007 Drafted for public participation by end 2008 Established by end 2009 Operated by end 2012 Reviewed and updated by end 2015 (and then every 6 years thereafter) But...phase 2 PRBs (2005/2006)
Preparation of Program of measures Activity in 2004: Modest (low level) objectives Exchange of information Identify links between Article 5 Analysis and PoMs Modest (very specific) task: Production of fact/information sheets
Preparation of Program of measures Factsheets examples: Going from initial analysis findings to building a program of measures (links Article 5, Article 11. Time schedule according WFD: 2004-2006) How to evaluate cost effectiveness of measures? (Articles 5,9,11. Time schedule according WFD: 2004-2007) Selection of some interesting results from Research Projects that may have an important input to integrated river basin management.
Preparation of Program of measures To produce the fact sheets: Workshop “Examples of cost effective measures for WFD planning process”. (Madrid, 21-22 April) Discussion of possible issues for the fact sheets in WG 2B plenary meeting (Madrid, 22-23 April). Meeting of Drafting Group on PoM (Brussels or Rome, 3 May) to define issuess and table of contents. Presentation of ToC at SCG (Brussels, 27/28 May) Meeting of Drafting Group (Brussels, 27 September) Presentation of fact sheets to WG 2B Plenary (Beginning of October) Presentation to SCG (Brussels 27/28 October) Presentation to WD meeting (Amsterdam, 2/3 December)
Preparation of Program of measures Depending on the experience in 2004, decision (to be adopted in WD meeting in the Netherlands) on the follow up of the activity (and follow up of the WG 2B)
Preparation of Program of measures Workshop “Examples of cost effective measures for the WFD planning process” Draft Programme
Wednesday 21 April 2004 14:00-14:30 Workshop presentation 14:00-14:30 Workshop presentation 14:00-14:10 Welcome 14:10-14:20 Presentation (Commission) 14:20-14:30 Workshop aims and general scope (WG 2B Leaders) 14:30 Session 1 “Stepwise approach from current assessment to program of measures” Chair: Marta Moren 14:30-14:45 Role of programme of measures in the overall planning approach in the WFD (WG 2B) 14:45-15:00 Article 5 risk analysis (Commission) 15:00-15:15 The setting up of environmental objectives (?) 15:15-15:30 Identification of gaps (?) 15:30-16:00 Discussion 16:00 Coffee 16:30 Session 2 “The concept of cost-effective measures” Chair: Thierry Davy 16:30-16:45 To decide by DG ECO (Example: the concept of cost-effectiveness) 16:45-17:00 To decide by DG ECO (Example: tools to asses cost-effectiveness) 17:00-17:15 To decide by DG ECO 17:15-17:30 To decide by DG ECO 17:30-18:00 Discussion 18:00 End of Session 2
Thursday 22 April 2004 09:30 Session 3 “Examples of cost effective measures for the WFD planning process (I) “Tools and methodologies” Chair: A. Tilche 09:30-10:15 Research activities: HARMONIRIB, HARMONIC-A (Marc de Rooy),BMW (Seppo Rekolainen), ERANET (IoW) 10:15-10:30 Cost effective set of measures (ECOLOGIC) 10:30-11:00 Discussion 11:00 Coffee 11:30 Session 3 “Examples of cost effective measures for the WFD planning process (II) ”Case Studies (Session open for contributions) ” Chairs: J. M. Piñero, B. Kaczmareck 11:30-11:40 MS 1 11:40-11:50 MS 2 11:50-12:00 NGO 1 12:00-12:10 ----- 12:10-12:20 ----- 12:20-12:30 etc 12:30-13:00 Discussion 13:00 Lunch 14:00 Session 3 “Examples of cost effective measures for the WFD planning process (III) ”Case Studies (Point of view of Pilot River Basins) ” Chair: G. Bidoglio 14:00-15:30 New short presentations and/or round table with participants 15:30-16:00 Debate and conclusions.