Littoral macro-invertebrates and zooplankton Zooplankton Methods-Freddy Haberman Zooplankton Results-Jonathon Schriendel Macro-invertebrate Methods-Erin Landers Macro-invertebrate Results-Brita Olson Fish- Erin Landers
Methods: Zooplankton Samples
Zooplankton Sampling Methods Samples were taken from the deepest point in the pond Schindler Trap and Closing Plankton Net were used Closing Plankton Net was used to take full water column samples Frederick
Sampling Methods Cont. Schindler Trap was used to take samples from 3 different depths in the pond Surface, 0.5 & 1 meter depths Frederick
Zooplankton Analysis Each sample was poured in a gridded petri dish & examined under a dissecting microscope Organisms that were found during analysis were identified & counted Frederick
Results: Zooplankton Community
Full column zooplankton samples Jonathan
Discrete zooplankton samples Jonathan
Methods: Macro-invertebrate Littoral Samples
Sites 1 4 3 2
Materials Dip net Sieve stack and filter tubes Lots of DI water! Sample vials
Collection Methodology 4 sites 3- meter long pulls at each site Filter and collect Store until analysis
Lab Methodology Preserve samples with formalin Separate out a sub sample Identify and count macro-invertebrate organisms
Results: Macro-invertebrate Community
1 4 3 2 Brita
Brita Brita
Fish Suitability
Fish Food sources and quantity Considerations Oxygen Water level fluctuations Natural spawning or annual restocking Cost Recreation
Fish Bluegill (mosquitos, fleas, worms, moths, crickets) White or Black Crappie (small bg and perch, plankton, minnows) Yellow perch (algae, plankton, leeches, worms) Largemouth Bass (bluegill, perch, crappie, copepods, waterfleas, beetles, worms) Channel Catfish (bg, perch, insects, worms, small mammals/birds, aquatic plants, algae)