Should there be a sugar tax for lemonade? Stsenaariumi sissejuhatus limonaadi tootmisprotsessi tutvustamiseks. Slide 1: Lühike informatsioon õpetajale (ei ole mõeldud õpilastele!) Stsenaariumi pealkiri on atraktiivne (relevantne) õpilastele, sest see: Ei sisalda võõraid teaduslikke mõisteid; Ei eelda otsest teaduslike teemade õppimist c) On seotud õpilaste igapäevaelusliste olukordadega, nagu nt. “oht” või “põnevus” Lugu on otse õpilaste elust, seotud nauditava kogemusega, mille eesmärgiks on luua õpilastes positiivseid emotsioone (vanematega matkamine; limonaadi joomine). Lugu lõppeb aga ebatavaliselt/ ohtliku leiuga “herilase olemasolu” (herilastele meelvad magusad asjad!) This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 665100.
About sugar tax ..... Yes. Looking at how our youth is now massively consuming soft drinks with meals and comparing this with the price for health - it is time to take some action against those products! No. We are still buying those products, even if it costs extra 50 cents. We just drink 1 coca cola instead of 3 in a day. Yes. Some action is needed in a national level if producers are not thinking about citizens health. No. All can find some research to support their arguments. However, I don´t understand why sugar is so bad and why this tax is not for soft drinks containing artificial sweeteners? Yes. Artificial sweeteners have even bigger influence for people health and should also be taxed. No. With this tax, all food is going to be more expensive, because many products contain sugar.
Sugar tax? % of obese children is increasing. Soft Drink Producers Union member Enterprise minister Must prove a link between sugar in beverages and overweight. % of obese children is increasing. Only 3% of total daily calories come from soft drinks. Food tax does not work - people change the products. Soft drinks with sugar by consuming a large daily amounts, increases the risk of diabetes and heart diseases. Manufacturers have already reduced sugar in soft drinks. I can not say that consumers prefer those products. However, these products help reduce sugar consumption. The aim is to encourage manufacturers to reduce sugar in soft drinks
Discussion – for or against sugar tax? Groups (4 students in group). Half of the groups support the sugar tax and other half of the groups is against the sugar tax and both groups look for arguments to support their opinion. All groups discuss the arguments and make the final decision – sugar tax needed or not?
Visit to the factory Meeting in the department of research and development A general R & D process Image: Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education
R&D Laboratory
Food technology and biochemstriy labs Biochemistry Food technology Skills that that are need in working as a biochemist Analytical skills Maths Experience of writing reports Communication (oral and written) Presentation skills Time management Creative thinking Problem solving IT skills Planning Observational skills Critical thinking Reading comprehension Skills that that are need in working as a food technologist An interest towards science and how it is applied to food Cleanliness and strict hygiene rules Attention to details Communication (oral and written) Leadership skills Teamworking Numeracy and problem solving Time management and organisational skills An awareness of market
The cosmetics industry Information sheet Jobs for biochemists University labs Research (gene therapy) Food industry Safety of our food Law firms Dealing with scientific cases The cosmetics industry Creating safe or more effective products Sales and marketing Selling latest technology to people Publishing Reviewing scientific articles Pharmaceutical labs Drug development Hospitals Analysing samples from patients The government Advising on the latest scientific issues
Lemonade production In the production department
Quality control In the quality control department