Reengineering and Technology THE CONTROL WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC TOTOK NUR ALIF, S.Pd, ST SMK Negeri 2 Kota Probolinggo RPP_01 RPP_MHP_1
1. The Control of Mechanical (manual) Model Of Control In Industry Or Automation SMK Negeri 2 Kota Probolinggo 1. The Control of Mechanical (manual) In manual control of much use complex mechanical components with more operators and not up to date and the operation very difficult. 2. The Control of conventional In many conventional controls using a complex mechanical components and electrical components with many operators and easy operation, but not efficient, either time or place. 3. The Control of modern Little use in modern control mechanical components, but many use electrical or electronic components, so that it takes very little operator and operating is very easy, efficient, either time or place and very accurate results. 19/11/2018 011/KK/012_RPP_01 http//
The Control of Mechanic SMK Negeri 2 Kota Probolinggo In manual control of much use complex mechanical components with more operators and not up to date and the operation very difficult. Use of controls - manual control can be easily found in small industries or home industries and many uses of labor compared to machine it uses. 19/11/2018 011/KK/012_RPP_01 http//
The Control of Conventional SMK Negeri 2 Kota Probolinggo In many conventional controls using a complex mechanical components and electrical components with many operators and easy operation, but not efficient, either time or place. The industry still use the conventional type of control that many need a place in the layout of control components, and the large number of control operators, so that the resulting product is still less than the maximum. 19/11/2018 011/KK/012_RPP_01 http//
The Control of Modern SMK Negeri 2 Kota Probolinggo Little use in modern control mechanical components, but many use electrical or electronic components, so that it takes very little operator and operating is very easy, efficient, either time or place and very accurate results. On current industry use a lot of modern control, so production is more precise and more efficient and little operators 19/11/2018 011/KK/012_RPP_01 http//