Technological Advances in home design
Construction Plastic Pipes: Lightweight, less expensive, and used to replace plumbing in older homes
Plastic Lumber Material that can be used to build a deck that never needs painting and is low maintenance
Biomaterial Biomaterials are organically based building materials manufactured from recycled materials i.e. Wood chips used to make bioethanol as a fuel source for homes
Communications/Entertainment Automated management system: central control units that oversee daily functions in a home No more need for light switches, thermostats, volume controls and separate remotes for the TV, satellite and DVD: literally everything is controlled from one easy-to-use controller, over the internet, or even from your mobile phone.
Closed Circuit Television Home system that uses carefully placed cameras to see what is occurring in and around different areas of the house
Motion Sensitive Lighting Lighting that uses a sensor to turn on when motion is detected
Light Emitting Diode (LED) LED lights use a silicon chip and last 100,000 hours or more