Infant Attachment and Trust
How does infant attachment influence trust in romantic relationship. What is the question?! How does infant attachment influence trust in romantic relationship.
Why is it important? This question is important to study because it will help psychologists figure out and help individuals who have commitment issues, insecurities, and trust issues in their relationship. By studying this, we can predict early from infancy the possible trust issues the infant will have once they grow up and start building relationships.
What is new about this proposal? My proposal fills in the gap by analyzing the relationship between a specific dependent and independent variable, correlation between infant attachment and trust in romantic relationship. The proposal also provides a combination of different procedures to analyze the question being studied.
Structure of the proposal…( Methods) Materials - for the recruitment process and performing the study Participants - A total of 60 primary caregiver-infant dyads will be recruited for the study. Procedures – Longitudinal study, therefore composed of two parts
Three attachment styles…
Discussion... Possible problems that may arise during the performance of the study is being able to gain the trust of primary caregivers of infants in order to convince them to participate. In order to perform the recruitment process during both parts of the study we be needing a stable budget to cover the expenses. Another problem that may arise is that primary caregivers might change their mind and not showing up to the study. Since this is a longitudinal study, we can also lose contact with the target participants for the second part of the study
Discussion – Possible limitations and new ideas… Possible limitations of the study could be small sample size, not differentiating the whether the primary caregiver is the mother, father, grandparents or any other relative, and the fact that the study will not be taking into account the socio-economic status of the participants. Therefore for future studies, I would recommend taking into account the listed limitations in order to avoid covariates. I would also perform the same study in non- western countries where infants are raised by many caregivers as opposed to the west where there is mainly the primary caregiver.