TIGP-CBMB Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics Program Program Director: Dr. Andrew H.-J. Wang Coordinator: Po-Huang Liang
Registered University Chia-Chi (Flora) Huang (黃佳琦) List of 2006 new students Name of studnets Nationality Gender Registered University Wang, Yi-Ting (王怡庭) Taiwan, R.O.C. F NTHU-Life Science Hsu, Che-Hsiung (許哲雄) M Hsiao, Wei-Wen (蕭偉文) Canada Jao,Chen-Yeng (饒珍孆) NTHU-Chem Lin, Ming-Yu (林明瑜) NTU Ho, Jin-Yuan (何晉元) Lo,Yen-Lung ( 駱衍龍) Santhanam Abirami India Chia-Chi (Flora) Huang (黃佳琦)
Outline A Brief introduction to the TIGP-CBMB Program (Liang, PH). Introduction to the functions of General affair committee (Tam, MF) Course & Graduation Requirements (Yang,AS) Qualify Exam Regulations (Chen, YJ)
I. A brief introduction to the TIGP-CBMB Program TIGP-CBMB Website: http://www.sinica.edu.tw/~tigpcbmb/ Partner Universities (1) National Taiwan University (2) National Tsing Hua University
Activities Photo of Christmas Party Photo of visiting NTHU Photo of Orientation Photo of end of semester Party
II. The General Affair Committee What is it?
From American Heritage Dictionary Affair: 1. Something done or to be done. 2.a. An occurrence, an event, or a matter: b. A social function. 3. An object or a contrivance: 4. A matter of personal concern. 5. A matter causing public scandal and controversy. 6. A romantic and sexual relationship.
What do we do? We are here to help. We serve as advisors for the 1st year students till they have chosen a laboratory and thesis advisor.
Till then: We keep records of your progress in class works, laboratory rotations and give timely suggestions. A mandatory monthly meeting with one of us.
After you have a boss: The Student Affair Committee acts as the grievance committee for more senior students. The Student Affair Committee records the incidents and serves as mediators.
We interviews exiting (not graduating) students to understand the causes and provide possible remedies. The committee members meet with all senior students at least once per semester to answer their concerns.
Who are we?
Ming F. Tam Institute of Molecular Biology Room N104 2789-9221 mftam@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Genomic Research Center 2789-9930, ext 337 Wei-Chieh Cheng Genomic Research Center 2789-9930, ext 337 wcheng@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Institute of Molecular Biology Room N221 2789-9199 Yen-Chywan Liaw Institute of Molecular Biology Room N221 2789-9199 mbycliaw@gate.sinica.edu.tw
Tzu-Ching Meng Institute of Biological Chemistry Room 614 2785-5696, ext 6140 Hanna@sinica.edu.tw
Lie-Fen Shyur Institute of Bioagricultural Sciences NanKang Incubation Center 2785-1086, Ext 103 lfshyur@ccvax.sinica.edu.tw
"The pupil, who is never required to do what he cannot do, never does what he can do." - John Stuart Mill
III. Course & Graduation Requirements Graduate Requirements Course Credit 18 credits for students with a M.S. degree 30 credits for students with a B.S. degree Qualify Exam Cum exam for NTHU-Chemistry students Written exam for NTHU-Life Sciences students Non-thesis oral exam for NTU students Thesis Progress Report Thesis Progress Report Committee composed by three to five members an annual research progress report.
4. Ph.D. Thesis Defense Exam A Ph.D. Thesis Defense Exam Committee composed by five members Oral presentation. One Make-Up Exam 5. The Change of Thesis Advisor a mutual agreement An approach to the General Affair Committee
(1) Fundamental Chemical Biology and Three Core/Specialized Courses Fall Term (1) Fundamental Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics (4 credits) Required for all students Topics: Biological macromolecules; Gene expression and protein production; Enzymes: catalysis and mechanism; Enzymes: kinetics and inhibition; Protein 3-D structures; Protein folding (structure and dynamics); Protein structural simulation; Proteomics; Posttranslational modification; Carbohydrate chemistry; Enzymatic reaction for synthesis; Current challenge in Glycobiology; Lipid and membrane; Membrane protein; Signal transduction (kinase and phosphatase); Protein network and interaction Infection and resistance
Spring Term (2) Advanced Chemical Biology (3 credits) (1) Experimental Molecular Biophysics (3 credits) Required for the Students who are Registered in the Institute of Life Science of NTHU, and Optional for other Students Topics: Mass spectrometry; Protein Crystallography; Cryo-Electron Microscopy; NMR; Spectroscopy; and Computational biophysics (2) Advanced Chemical Biology (3 credits) Required for the Students who do not Take the Experimental Chemical Biology and Molecular Biophysics Course Topics: Synthetic Methodologies; Medicinal Chemistry; and Good Examples of Pharmaceuticals
Other Required Courses Title Credits Time Note Seminar 1 Thursday (10:00 ~ 11:30 a.m.), Fall and Spring Terms Train Students’ Reading and Presentation Skills (Required for Two Academic Years/4 Credits) Colloquium Fall and Spring Terms Submit at least Eight Reports on the Speeches Attended (Required for all students). Elementary Chinese 3 Monday (2:00 ~ 4:50 p.m.), Fall and Spring Terms Required for Oversea Students for One Academic Years/6 Credits) Faculty Presentation Tuesday and Thursday (5:00 ~ 5:50 p.m.), Fall Term Two faculty per one-hour Class Lab Rotation 2 Two Labs Start from the Beginning or the Second-half of Fall Term
IV. Introduction of Qualify Exam Regulations List of 2006 new students
Qualify Exam for the Advancement to Ph.D. Candidacy Cum Exams (conducted by the Chemistry Department of NTHU): Students, who are registered in the Chemistry Department of NTHU, must pass cum exams. Students, who fail to meet the requirement before the end of their third academic year, will be disqualified from staying in the Program.
Written Exams (conducted by the College of Life Science of NTHU): Students, who are registered in the College of Life Science of NTHU, must pass written exams. Students, who fail to meet the requirement before the end of their third academic year, will be disqualified from staying in the Program.
students are required to submit to the Qualify Exam Committee two abstracts in the field of chemical biology or molecular biophysics, unrelated either to the study of their Ph.D. thesis or to their Master thesis before the end of April in their second academic year. Upon approval of one abstract, students need to complete the proposal in 4 months. Qualify Exam Committee will appoint three to five of our faculties to form the exam committee. The exam will be scheduled between July and August in the end of their second academic year. It requires at least 2/3 of the members to agree on passing the exam. Students who fail the first exam can retake the exam after 3 months and before 6 months of the date of the first exam by using the same topic or different topic approved by the committee. Students, who still fail in the second exam, will be disqualified from the Program.
2. Thesis Progress Report (from 3rd year) Students, who are registered in NTU or NTHU, and who have entered their third academic year and passed qualify exams, are eligible to request their thesis advisor to form a Thesis Progress Report Committee composed by three to five members with ranks of assistant fellow/professor and up. (Before the end of their first academic year, students must choose their thesis advisors.) The Committee members can be from the outside of our Program. And, at least one Committee member should come from the University where the student is registered. This Committee member is the joint thesis advisor for the student’s Ph.D. thesis, unless the student’s thesis advisor is also the faculty member of the student’s registered University. b. Students, from the third academic year onward, must annually submit to the Committee a research progress report. The annual research progress reports are to be kept in the administration office as references.
3. Ph.D. Thesis Defense Exam Students, who fulfill above four requirements, are eligible to apply for Ph.D. thesis defense exam. To apply for Ph.D. thesis defense exam, students need to provide the administration office with the TOFEL exam record (with 550 grade or more), Course record report, Qualify exam record, Thesis progress reports, Published papers, (NTU and NTHU/Chemustry : two papers with one-first author) Abstract of Ph.D. thesis. Application form-enclosed with these documents-will be assessed by the University where they are registered for exam permission.
A Ph.D. Thesis Defense Exam Committee composed by five members (usually including the Thesis Progress Report Committee members) with ranks of assistant fellow/professor and up is called by the TIGP-CBMB Director. At least one Committee member should come from the University where the student is registered. Student’s thesis advisor, though is not excluded, should not be the chairman of the Committee. The Committee chairman is decided by all Committee members. Each Committee member will give a score for pass or fail of the examination, on the basis of student’s thesis contents and oral presentation. The full and passing marks will be 100 and 70, respectively. The final score will be an average of all scores by individual members. However, the examination should be recognized as fail if more than 1/3 of the examiners ( 2 persons) grade the result of examination less than 70.
There will be one make-up examination, if the student fails the first examination. The make-up examination must be completed before the end of the student’s seventh academic year. The minimum and maximum of the duration of Ph.D. study is two and seven years, respectively. Students, who pass the exam, will be rewarded with Ph.D. degree. Whereas Students, who fail the Ph.D. thesis defense exam, will have to comply with the graduate regulations of the University where they are registered. The regulations include: (a) Students, who are registered with a Master degree in the Chemistry Department of NTHU, pass the qualify exam, but fail the Ph.D. thesis defense exam, will be disqualified from staying in the Program. (b) Students, who are registered with a Bachelor degree in the Chemistry Department of NTHU, pass the qualify exam, but fail the Ph.D. thesis defense exam, will be rewarded with Master degree, if their Ph.D. thesis is approved by the Ph.D. Thesis Defense Exam Committee as qualified for it. (c) Students, who are registered in the College of Life Science of NTHU, pass the qualify exam, but fail the Ph.D. thesis defense exam, will be rewarded with Master degree, if their Ph.D. thesis is approved by the Ph.D. Thesis Defense Exam Committee as qualified for it. (d) Students, who are registered in the Institute of Biochemical Sciences of NTU, pass the qualify exam, but fail the Ph.D. thesis defense exam, will be disqualified from staying in the Program.
The Change of Thesis Advisor a. If the student decides to change his/her thesis advisor, he/she has to obtain a mutually signed agreement between his/her thesis advisor and the would-be thesis advisor. If the student has any difficulty in obtaining the mutual agreement, he/she is advised to approach the General Affair Committee for the matter. The duration of his/her Ph.D. study is ranged from 2 to 7 years and not extended due to any change of his/her thesis advisor.
The end