Welcome to the PTR online backboard Class Welcome to the PTR online backboard Class. This class can be used to learn more about the PTR After reviewing all of the materials in blackboard you will be granted security access to the PTR. In this class, we are going to try to cover all of the information for Staff, Students and Faculty and also talk about some other resources that are available for the PTR.
Welcome Personnel Transaction Request (PTR) & Work List/Workflow Training The theme for the training is Responsibility… with great power comes great responsibility. The PTR has been designed so that it is very responsive to the originator and it helps to make sure the transactions are entered into the system in a way that is appropriate for PeopleSoft and follow ASU policy. There are several messages that are there to guide you through the process. However, another key piece of this process is the data that is entered into this system. This is where your responsibility comes into the system. If the wrong information is entered, this can have negative consequences to the employees pay and benefits. In the prior systems that the university has used there was a central group dedicated to reviewing the information submitted by the originator. With the PTR the review occurs within the originators own department. This makes it critical that the originator and approvers are aware of the impacts of the submission of the PTR. Once all approvers have approved the transaction the PTR will automatically upload the data submitted into People Soft.
Agenda PTR What is it Workflow Student Employment Demo of Pages/Helpful Hints We do a few transactions You do a few transactions Review of other actions/Top ten messages Next Steps Security Resources Our agenda for today is going to be the PTR and what it is. The workflow that is associated with it; this is a new concept for us; so we wanted to clearly define what that means and how that works. We are going to go through student employment changes so we have incorporated the hourly student workers into this process. We used to go through a separate process for them now they are in this process so we want to talk about that. We are going to go through the pages; we are actually going to demo them for you out of one of our testing environments and show you what happens. Then we are going to have you practice a little bit; that is why we brought you to a computer lab so you can actually get your hands on the system. Then we are going to review some of the other actions that we didn’t cover through demoing or through you trying and just make sure we get all of the high level key points that are out there. And then there the next steps. Security is huge to this process; you have to have the correct security roles. Probably some of you are in this training class today because some of you requested the security role and were told you have to come to this training. So after today you have met that requirement and we will get you into the system for that. Summer session is in full swing, for especially our academic side… winter faculty and things like that. We will breeze through that because we are at the end of the summer session so it’s not as applicable as when we started this training. And then we’ll give you some resources to go back and get the information.
Personnel Transaction Request- PTR eHire/ Student Hire MSS Promotion MSS Ad-Hoc MSS Termination MSS Retire DM Exception Form (Manual Entry by DM) This is a new system to hire, promote, pay rate changes, terminate for all faculty and staff and student workers at this university. In the past we used to use all these other methods that you see in this picture. We used to use Ehire and the student hiring form. We have discontinued those. All of our manager self service transactions, you had retirement, termination, salary changes through manager self service; those functions will be discontinued as well. We do still have the data management acception form, this acception form is for acceptions only. That is why it’s called the acception form. It things that can’t go into the PTR system, things that are back dated too far, things like that. We do have a paper form that if for whatever reason whatever you are trying to do something that can’t be done in the system, we have a way to do that. That still is a manual entry by data management, it has to be reviewed by multiple people. When you submit a data management acception form the timing on that could take a bit longer since it’s a manual process versus the PTR which is an automatic process. We really encourage people to go to the PTR first before going to the data management acception form, it is an acception. What it does is, it includes a series of workflow approval steps and store those approvals electronically. Current process today is you are sending the dean or whoever an email, they are forwarding it onto someone else, then they are forwarding it back to you… there are a lot of emails going back and forth to everybody. With this process, we are storing all of this information electronically so you don’t have to necessarily keep emailing everybody. It’ll be stored with the transaction. Also, it’ll automatically update peoplesoft which will get people paid, benefits, as soon as all of those approvals have been given, it goes right in, no 24 hour waiting period.
PTR What it Does Replaces multiple different systems that were available for personnel transactions. Includes workflow approval steps in order to store approvals electronically. As mentioned in the previous slide the PTR replaces eHire, student hiring forms, and Manager Self Service (MSS) transactions such as promotion, ad-hoc salary change, termination, and retirement. Includes workflow approval steps in order to store approvals electronically. This will help us move towards a paperless approval system. This also helps the university when we auditing our transactions.
PTR What it Does Automatically updates job screen in PeopleSoft once all approvals have been processed. Exceptions: Future effective dated transactions Payroll processing As we mentioned at the beginning of this course, the PTR will automatically update PeopleSoft once all of the approvals are obtained. There are two exceptions to this rule: The first one is transactions that have future effective date. These transactions will be able to be submitted and approved but will not automatically update job data until the effective date on the transaction is reached. The status you will see these transactions in is Pend Batch. The other exception is our payroll processing. While payroll is currently calculating the next paycheck, the PTR will not continue to add more information into job data. These transaction will be held until the payroll confirms its process. As a PTR originator you can use the PTR at any time 24 hours and day, 7 days a week but it is important to understand the exceptions and how that might effect your timeline for processing transactions.
PTR What it Does Displays existing position and job details in one location. Includes edits/error handling on transactions to ensure policies are followed and/or transactions are processed correctly in PeopleSoft. It’s also going to display the position and job attributes in one place, right now you have to go to several different screens in peoplesoft to get a full picture of what is going on. One of our goals is to get everything on one screen. It also includes a lot of edits and error handling to make sure the policies are being handled correctly. So, you will get a lot of pop-up screens that say “are you sure you want to do this”, etc. We did want to mention some of the things that don’t go away at this current time, one of them is position management… maybe you have to modify someone’s FTE from full time to part time you will still continue to use position management for that. On line renewal; we will be opening that up for our fall hires very soon. Courtesy affiliate; is for those people who we hire who have never worked here, have never been a student; we have to give them that ID. You can also give them early email access, blackboard access ahead of time so that they can start working.
PTR What Stays Courtesy Affiliate Position Management Online Renewal TAM Student Recruitment System We did want to mention some of the things that don’t go away at this current time, Courtesy affiliate; is for those people who we hire who have never worked here and have never been a student; we have to give them and employee ID. You can also give them early email access, blackboard access ahead of time through this process. Position Management… This is used to create a position number to hire your employees into as well as maintain certain information about their job once they have been hired like their standard hours or accounting information. You will continue to use position management for these actions Online renewal; This process is used to return Faculty Member and Graduate Students from short work break for a given term. This process is a mass renewal process and allow you to take this type of actions on several employees at one time. TAM (Talent Acquisition Management); This process is used to create a job openings and recruit for classified and service professional employees. You will still need to continue to do this as part of your recruitment process. Student Recruitment System; This system is used to post job openings for your student workers. All of these systems have individual training classes. You can check the LMS system for available classes.
PTR Workflow Workflow All transactions will have an originator and an approver. Some examples of the workflow roles are below: Originator Agency/Org Approver (Account Signer) Vice President/Dean Executive Vice President (Provost or CFO) Student Employment Benefits Staffing Note** This application does not replace any internal business processes you already have. Other levels of approval may be required based on the type of transaction and the type of employee. All transactions will have at minimum an originator and an agency/org approver. Other levels of approval may be required based on the type of transaction and the type of employee. Some examples of the workflow roles are below: Originator- the person who creates the transaction Agency/Org Approver (Account Signer)- The account signer for the position number that is being taken action against Vice President/Dean- This role can also be delegated to people in the college whom the Dean/VP has granted this authority Executive Vice President (Provost or CFO)- For members of these offices. Student Employment- This role is strictly prohibited to the student employment office for use in transactions that involve student workers. Benefits- This role is strictly prohibited to the OHR Benefits team for all retirement transactions and backdated termination transactions on benefit eligible employees Staffing- This role is strictly prohibited to the OHR Staffing and Recruitment Team to approve hires for classified and service professionals where the TAM data does not match the PTR. Note** This application does not replace any internal business processes you already have.
Workflow Dean/VP Originator Account Signer Account Signer Originator Think of the colors as people: This diagram shows how people can have multiple security roles. Originator Account Signer And Dean/VP Originator Account Signer Departments can have multiple security roles but can not use all of their security in a given transaction. The distinction and segregation of duties defined between the originator and the account signer roles. This slide is meant to show you how the PTR will work when people have multiple security roles. Example 1: This is a diagram of three different people acting on a given PTR Example 2: This is a diagram of two people acting on the PTR. The key thing to note here is that the second person has both the account signer role and the dean/vp role. When they approve this transaction they must only approve it once and are approving it for both levels. Example 3: This is a diagram of two people acting on the PTR. The key thing to note here is that the originator and the Dean/VP are the same person. Because there is a different person acting as the acting as the account signer, the originator can come back around and approve their transaction after another person has taken action. Dean/VP
PTR Workflow Approval Steps Transaction Employee Type Staff Promotion with pay change PTR Approver/ Account Signer VP/Dean EVP Promotion without pay change VP Termination This diagram is an example of how the workflow will adapt based upon the type of transaction you are submitting and the employee type of the person being affected. For a complete matrix of each employee type and action please visit cfo.asu.edu/fs-ptr for the most updated matrix.
Workflow for Staff Positions Based upon the matrix that is currently in place from the Provost Office/EVP This continues to have revision, so always check the website for the most current matrix. Involuntary Terminations, Demotions, and Temporary Assignments (Special Duty Pay) require prior approval from HR Partners Prior approval will still need to be maintained and sent to staffing to be able to post positions in TAM
Workflow for Faculty Positions Factors that are used to determine workflow routing for faculty Type of Transaction NOA Appt Type Example: Faculty Associates are not appointed every year through the NOA process so their appointment type on the position number should be N/A. Since this is a factor for workflow routing, the system will route this transaction differently than if it was an appointed position. Wrong data will shoot the transaction to the provost office!!!!!!
Workflow for Student Workers Factors that are used to determine the workflow routing for students: Work Study Athlete International Reclassifications Student Empl will be available via IM, email. Need a few more slides here. Are now paper. People hiring fac/staff will also be hiring students - whole new process.
Work List
Student Employment PTR process changes
Student Employment Make sure the job has been posted on the SEO website prior to submitting the PTR After you have selected the student you wish to hire, log into the PTR to submit your hiring request Position, job opening number, student Employee Id, hourly rate are still required for the PTR
Student Employment Special Circumstances- Contact Student Employment Hire is backdated more than PTR allow Job Opening cannot be posted
Student Employment The system will automatically generate messages that are associated with your transaction. These are important to read because they contain information about routings and any messages that would require you to contact student employment or not allow your transaction to be submitted Will automatically check work study eligibility and if the student is not eligible the PTR will prompt you to submit the transaction as hourly
Student Employment Routing Details Routes to SFA, ISSO and ICA based upon student data in People Soft. Validation Results Y- means that the transaction will be submitted but will be routed to the “Route Details” N- means the transaction will not be submitted
Student Employment SEO Hiring Manual has been update and they will host training session per request. students.asu.edu/employment/employers seo@asu.edu for questions
Navigation You will be able to access the PTR/ PTR Worklist via MYASU on the Manager Tab Alternate URL: https://hrsa.oasis.asu.edu Navigation: ASU customization > ASU HCM Custom > ASU HR > Personnel Transaction Request PTR link in MyASU will go directly to PTR search and one to the wordlist page.
Navigation demo PTR has three main screens: Search Splash Main Next we will demo a typical request. Please refer to the “Important items” document while we walk through the basics.
Now it’s your turn There are 11 basic actions: Hire Rehire Additional Job Promotion Demotion (Reassignments) Transfer Pay Rate changes Place on Short Work Break Return from Short Work Break Terminations Retirements
Now it’s your turn We will practice 5 of them: Hire Rehire Additional Job Promotion Demotion (Reassignments) Transfer Pay Rate changes Place on Short Work Break Return from Short Work Break Termination Retirements Go to Blackboard: (http://myasucourses.asu.edu ) Find the PTR class. Go to the “how to use it” section. Select the action. Find the “try it” section. Run the exercise.
More Actions Now that you’ve done 5 of the actions, let’s talk about the others and some of the important concepts to think about:
Hire Additional Job Is selected by the user from the PTR Search Page Employee must already have or have had a job with the university Employee record number will be set to 99 until the PTR can determine the empl record to assign. Can process multiple additional jobs for the same employee
Hire Additional Job Continued My Departments check box and Create Additional Job Check box can not be checked at the same time. If you create an additional job and the PTR finds a record that can be re-used instead of adding another employee record it will change the action to Rehire once it is update in job.
Termination Employee record selected from Search Page must be in an “A”, active or “W”, work break status Terminations that are backdated will take longer to process due to extra research that must occur and manual intervention The effective date for a termination should always be the employee’s last day + 1.
Return from Work Break Used when an employee is on a “W”, work break to return from break. Can be returned to the same position number or different position number If the new position number is benefit eligible, the PTR will process the transaction as a Hire Additional Job.
Rehire Generated from selection of a terminated employee record from Search Page. If there are more than one employee records for the same position number select the lowest employee record Rehire can be done into the same position number or a different position You can rehire someone to a job that was terminated from another department. Reason will be system determined based on the termination date of the previous job If there is a change in benefit eligibility, the system will change the action and reason to Hire, Additional Job and the job update process will select the appropriate employee record to use
Demotion/Reassignment Is defined as a decrease in salary grade within the same salary administration plan Reason is user defined and can be involuntary or voluntary Recruitment Data is required for competitive transactions for staff positions There may be a pay change with a demotion based on Splash Page selection
Transfer Is defined as a no grade change within the same salary administration plan or a change to a different salary administration plan Recruitment Data is required for competitive transactions for staff positions There may be a pay change with a transfer based on Splash Page selection
Salary Administration Changes Proposed Vs Current Info Promotion Transfer Demotion/Reassignment
Pay Rate Change Can be done in conjunction with a Promotion, Demotion/Reassignment, Transfer, or by itself ACD/GRD/FSW will retain current expected job end date and compensation frequency Action Reason is user defined only when the Pay Change is by itself If modification of title has been done through Position Management, any associated pay change should be submitted with the action reason Promotion.
Retirement Only available for Faculty and Staff You can only retire someone who is active or on short work break All transactions route to OHR Benefits for approval
Place on Short Work Break This action can only be taken for ACD/GRD/FSW who are in an active status Typically used when employee needs their pay stopped before their original planned exit date Action will always be No Pay No Benefits. If the employee is benefit eligible you should consults with OHR benefits before taking this action
Archiving of the PTR The PTR will Auto-Archive itself after it reaches a status of Processed, Returned or Cancelled- 5 days after it reaches one of those status You can manually archive your PTR’s immediately after they reach one of those status.
Multiple Actions to a Single Job Example 5/5 5/30 6/1 Current Date Future Date Backdated to Original Date Date enter into People Soft Correction to first Transaction Original Transaction Second Transaction Because you have a Pending PTR and have a correction that needs to be made to the Original Transaction, you will need to cancel and archive the Second Transaction that will be in a Pending Status, in order to create a new PTR that is for corrections to the Original Status
Top 10 Messages from PTR Message What this means to you PTR already in process for Emplid (xxxxxxxxx) Empl Rcd (x) Another person within your department has already submitted a PTR for this person. Effective date exceeds back-dating maximum of (30) days which equals (date) If your transaction needs to be backdated more than 30 days you will need to fill out the Data Management Exception Form for this transaction to be processed. Backdating PTR may require PAR Anytime you do an action that is backdated this message will be displayed to alert you to fill out a PAR. The PTR does not fill it out for you. Position Number (xxxxx) is already filled. Please update Business Notes with justification. This is alerting you to the fact that you are creating a group position number with your action. The business notes should include justification for why you are creating a group position number
Top 10 Messages from PTR Message What this means to you (Promotion, Demotion, Transfer) cannot be validated due to difference in (grade or salary administration plan). Action will be changed to (Promotion, Demotion, or Transfer) The original action you had chosen on the splash page does not make sense with the proposed position attributes. The action is being changed in order to meet certain criteria (Rehire) cannot be validated due to difference in (benefit record). Action will be changed to (Hire, Additional Job) You have selected a job to rehire on and the new employee’s job benefit record does not match.
Top Ten Messages from PTR What this means to you Unable to update PTR to Cancelled status for PTR (##). Returning status to In Process. This message will appear when you are trying to cancel a PTR but it has already been approved by all levels. The transaction you selected requires OHR Benefits Approval This message will appear on all retirement transactions. This is letting you know that the transaction must be approved by benefits before it writes to job.
Top 10 Messages from PTR Message What this means to you No path found for action (Hire), employee class (Faculty), appointment type (Appointed) This message indicates that a workflow path could not be found for this transaction type. This is typically associated with when people are missing in the security roles. Approval Submission Failed - PTR saved as draft This message will appear after the workflow path could not be generated. This is letting you know that the PTR will be saved as a draft once the problem has been resolved
PTR Statuses Status What it means to you Draft A PTR was started by you, but was not submitted for approval In‐Process The PTR is waiting for all the approvals to be gathered in order for the transaction to be uploaded into job data. To find out which specific level of approval is needed click on the “View Approvers” icon CI Error The PTR has been approved by all levels of approval, but was unable to upload to People Soft. Data Management will manually process the transaction. Manual The PTR has been approved by all levels of approval, but was set to a manual status. Data Management will manually process your transaction. Returned The PTR was returned by one of the approvers because the PTR needs editing. Cancel The PTR was canceled by the originator and is waiting for the archive process to run to archive the information Pend Batch The PTR was approved by all levels of approval, but is for a future effective date or payroll is open. These PTRs are staged in this status until the effective date of the PTR is met or payroll has closed. PTRs in this status can still be canceled by the originator. Processed The PTR has successfully uploaded to People Soft and the transaction will be archived when the archive process runs. When you go to the PTR work-list, you will see your PTRs in a variety of statuses. Draft status is a PTR started by you but not submitted yet. No approvers have seen this PTR yet. In-process means that the PTR is in the approval loop. Click on the “View approvers” icon to see the progress. CI Error – The PTR has been approved, but there is a data error that data management in OHR will take care of. Manual – the PTR was approved, but set to a manual status. Data management in OHR will manually finish the processing. Returned – the PTR was rejected by an approver. It is back on your worklist in a cancelled state. Cancel – The PTR was cancelled by you and is waiting for the archive process to remove it from the list. Pend Batch – The PTR is approved but is future dated or payroll is is open. PTRs in this status can still be cancelled. Processed – The PTR has successfully uploaded to PeopleSoft.